sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023

Barbarians Rising

Barbarians Rising. 2016. History Channel.

Resumen + notas

Para mí, Bárbaro es sinónimo de fuerza y de voluntad... de un supremo anhelo por la libertad. 

—Fernando Jordán. Crónica de un país bárbaro.


Carthage versus Rome. Rising of Hannibal (Carthage, 247 - Lybissa, 183). Humilliation of Hamilcar Barca. The vow of the young Hannibal (¿236?). Siege of Sagunthum (219). Tribal groups united against Rome. The Lusitanians: They have no word for truce. Publius Cornelius Scipio commands an army to fight the carthaginins. March to Rome. Scipio intercept the barbarians in Hispania (218). Leadership is about confidence, sometimes, self-delusional confidence. To cross the Alps, in october (the fall), 218. 38 thousand wariors, 12 thousand african cavalry, and 36 elephants. Even when you have doubts, you cannot reveal them because doubts become contagious. Hannibal loses 25 thousand men in one month. The great leader is able at the worst of conditions, at the worst of times to continue on. Ticino, Trebbia, Trasimene Lake. Battle of Cannae (216): 85 thousand soldiers against 50 thousand barbarians. Hannibal loses 6 thousand men, Rome 70 thousand. Hannibal never reaches Rome. In 204, Scipio invades Africa. Battle of Zama. 

Rome against Lusithania. Viriathus. Genocide can never be 100% effective. Galba (149). Attack and retreat. The paradox of guerrilla: each victory lead to a reprisal. Fail to find Viriathus: Brutality, Bribery, Peace. Ambush at the Tribola Forest (148). The thin line formation tactic. Viriathus death by treason (139). 


Spartacus against Rome. Slavery on a massive scale. 20% of population are slave barbarians. Gladiators. The escape. Trained killers who attracted slaves. Vesubius battle. A strike at the core of how the republic works. Crixus' split. Spartacus to the north to escape, Crixus to the south to fight. You bow to no one. Autumn 73, 25 thousand followers. The only choice: to train them to fight. Pincer movement against Spartacus. [It's a classic pincers movement. It can't fail against a 10-year-old. Bart the general, The Simpsons 1X05] Battle of Po Valley (72). Two legions exterminated. Spartacus turns back to the south to clash against the second roman army. Second victory. To Sicily, the food supplier of Italy. Marcus Crassus. Battle of Messina (71). 40 thousand rebels die. 6 thousand are crucified.

Rome versus Germania. Cherusci (7). Bribery + hostages. Process of romanization. Arminius (17 bC - 21 aC). Back to Germany in 8 aC under Quintilianus Varus. Arminius, the equestrian, leader of the rebels. Out of the crucible, of unfreedom emerges somebody with an extra dose of will and sacrifice and becomes leader. Barbarians' guerrilla tactics with the scale and precision of a roman attack. Luring Varus into the Teotoburg forest. Never underestimate your enemy, always think the other guy is stronger, smarter, better than you are, because it keeps you hungry. 20 thousand legionaries deep into the forest where 15 thousand german warriors wait to strike. The thin line formation tactic.


Teotoburg. Rome retreats south the Rhine. Germans are expelled from Rome. Two years later, a force tries to exterminate Arminius. Flavus, Arminius's brother is appointed with that mission. Battle of Idistavisus (16). 40 thousand leggionaries against 20 thousand german warriors in open field. Arminius killed by treason in 21. That same year, Rome sets its borders at the Rhine. Never again tries to conquer Germania. 

To conquer Great Britannia. Emperor Claudius sends 40 thousand troops to invade in 43. Boudica as acting queen (60). Rape of her daughters. You don't know you are a great leader, until really bad stuff happens, then you either raise to the occasion or you die. Romans to attack the druids in the island of Mona, the britons blow in Camulodunum. No commander ever wants to go on the battlefield for a fair fight. Why would you ever want a fair fight? You want an unfair fight with all of the advantages on your side. Defeat of Boudica. End of the roman expansion. 

The goths, between the romans and the huns. Asking for refuge to the roman emperor. Crossing of the Danube. Disarmed. Treated as vermins. Camps of refugees. [«¡ios, qué buen vassallo, si oviesse buen señor!» El mío cid.] Revolt. Thracian borderlands (377). Battle of Adrianople (378). Goths kill the emperor Valens. A free nation within empire borders.


Alaric. Battle River Frigidus, 394. Coronation in 395. Stilicho's pledge. Stilicho's execution in 408. Sack of Rome 410. 

Geiseric. Carthage, 439. Vandals. Bow to the food chain supply of Rome. True power is not about dominating the weak, true power is inspiring the strong to do your will. 

Attila. I don't need them to respect me, I need them to fear me. Viminacium, Moesia (441). Attack on Italy while the legions are preparing to fight Geiseric. The legions return to the peninsula. Catalunian camps: Aetius vs Attila (451). Attila's death, 453. Vandals at Rome, 455.