miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2024

HR Ratings Scale

Long Term Global Rating Scale. 


The issuer or issue with this rating is considered to have the highest credit quality, offering high safety for timely payment of debt obligations. Maintains minimum credit risk on a global scale basis.

HR AA (G).

The issuer or issue with this rating is considered to have high credit quality and offers high safety for timely payment of debt obligations. Maintains very low credit risk on a global scale basis, under adverse economic scenarios.

HR A (G).

The issuer or issue with this rating offers acceptable safety for timely payment of debt obligations. Maintains low credit risk on a global scale basis.


The issuer or issue with this rating provides moderate safety for timely payment of debt obligations. Maintains moderate credit risk on a global scale, with weakness in the ability to pay in adverse economic scenarios.

HR BB (G).

The issuer or issue with this rating provides inadequate safety for timely payment of debt obligations. Maintains high credit risk on a global scale basis.

HR B (G).

The issuer or issue with this rating provides low safety for timely payment of debt obligations and maintains a high credit risk on a global scale. The issue or issuer is susceptible to falling into default.

HR C (G).

The issuer or issue with this rating exhibits high probability of falling into default in debt obligation payments.

HR D (G).

The issuer or issue with this rating has the lowest rating on a global scale basis. The issue is already in, or is highly likely to fall into, default in the short term.