We have to live as if credit doesn't exist. Credit cards is the worst debt vehicle. Credit card should be a payment convenience mechanism. Building credit score is a way that young people fall into the credit card trap.
Biggest money wasters: eating out, buying ready-made food, clothing, uber instead of walking or a bus, buy on amazon, the latest gadget from apple.
You need to discipline your child from when they are young on the value of money and discipline spending. If anyone has a child who is spendthrift and they send them into marriage without the proper education 10 years later guess who is going to end picking up the pieces. Generally the parents.
If you succumb to peer pressure how can you expect your children not to succumb to peer pressure.
Buy an index fund, leave it alone and forget it and it'll grow and you'll beat 90% of the geniuses out there. If you want to make more than that, read a book, think about it.
Focus, don´t look for side jobs.
Meaningfulness comes from relationships. What are your real relationships?
Speculating does not make you a successful person, you'll feel rich, not successful. Success comes when you build yourself, when 10 years later you are a different human being.
If you are not making mistakes you can't possibly be growing. Every successful person makes loads of mistakes. Seven times the righteous fall and stand.
God created a world where money is a necessity. We must work, and money is an exchange mechanism for that work.
Start to be aware, because awareness is the beginning of everything, of where and how you are spending your money and why. Replace the joy of the coffee or the uber with the joy of knowing that'll you have money to retire.