sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2023

Paul Orfalea

You can not love your business, you can enjoy it, once you love it, you lose objectivity. And you are there for the money. You own the business, the business does not own you.

I regret I didn't say 'thank you' enough.

College is a great place to grow up.

A good store is all about the morale of the manager. I could put a good manager and the store became good, I put a bad manager in a good store and it became a bad store.

Luck has more to do with life than you think.

When things get real bad, your spouse is the most difficult, she is not necessarily there for you. You are supposed to be the breadwinner, she does not want to be there to nurture you or to secure you.

I gave my children 5 dollars. 3 dollars for spending, 1 dollar for giving and 1 dollar for saving. I let them sell lemonade, but not in front of the house, which was stupid, but in front of the supermarket.

I didn't care about how I will be remembered, a legacy never crossed my mind. I won't be remembered anyway 100 years from now.

In vino veritas.

Give the glory, take the money.

There is a lot of inherited wealth. What is the difference between inherited wealth and a welfare chisler? Anyone of them earn it. 

Success is when your children want to be with you when they are adults. That's success.