Knowledge Project Podcast. 2022.
Go to the depths when reading, and writing, and very few books accomplish that goal. To delve into the subject and start cranking out interesting ideas. Like Robert Caro with his Lyndon Johnson series, Ron Cherno with Titan: The life of John D. Rockefeller, Michiavelli, a great philosopher of power, Elizabeth Lev with Tigress of Forli: The Life of Caterina Sforza, Evan Thomas with Being Nixon A man divided.
Read the book carefully, take notes in the margins. Let it rest a couple of weeks, come back and put them onto note cards and create themes.
- Meditate every morning, it really helps clear the mind and relax and not get too frantic
- Exercise every day: cardio, yoga, pilates, stretching of the back
- Three hours into writing
- Rest of the time, read, take notes, think
- Do mindless stuff to decompress
Bullshit radar. Evaluate actions over words. What this person has actually accomplished, what has she achieved or is she just a talker. Appreciate a kind of quietness, a seriousness, the admittance that they are not always right.
Failure is good if you are able to glean a lesson.
Cultivate mistery in your life. Don't let people know everything about you. Take control of your tongue. Talk less, particularly in business settings. There is tremendous power in talking less. Avoid just reaction, be more strategic and see above the battlefield. Think in the end and in the longer term. Be flexible and adapt to the circumstance.
The only thing you own is the awareness that you are alive. Be alive to your circumstance, to your situation. Think and enrich yourself.