Books recommended by Warren Buffett:
- Essays in Persuation. John Keynes. 1931.
- Security Analysis. Benjamin Graham. 1934.
- Where Are the Customers' Yachts?. Fred Schwed. 1940.
- The Intelligent Investor. Benjamin Graham. 1949.
- Common stocks and uncommon profits. Philip A. Fisher. 1957.
- The Science of Hitting. Ted Williams. 1968.
- Business Adventures. John Brooks. 1969.
- Straight From the Gut. Jack Welch. 2001.
- The Warren Buffett CEO. Robert P. Miles. 2002.
- First a Dream. James Clayton. 2002.
- Bull! A History of the Boom and Bust, 1982-2004. Maggie Mahar. 2003.
- Take on the Street. Arthur Levitt. 2003.
- Poor Charlie's Almanack contains the wit and wisdom of Charlie Munger. 2005.
- Little Book of Common Sense Investing. John Bogle. 2007.
- The Most Important Thing. Howard Marks. 2011.
- The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs. William Thorndike. 2012.
- The Clash of the Cultures. John Bogle. 2012.
- Investing Between the Lines. L.J. Rittenhouse. 2012.
- Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything. Carol Loomis. 2012.
- Mitek: A Global Success Story, 1981-2011. Jim Healey. 2012.
- 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World. Howard Buffett. 2013.
- Dream Big. Cristiane Correa. 2013.
- Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders. Max Olson. 2014.
- Limping On Water. Phil Beuth. 2015.
- Shoe Dog. Phil Knight. 2016.
- Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules. Jeremy C. Miller. 2016.
- A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers. Peter Bevelin. 2019.
- Margin of Trust. Larry Cunningham. 2020.