domingo, 11 de febrero de 2024

Buffett Books

Books recommended by Warren Buffett:

  1. Essays in Persuation. John Keynes. 1931. 
  2. Security Analysis. Benjamin Graham. 1934.
  3. Where Are the Customers' Yachts?. Fred Schwed. 1940. 
  4. The Intelligent Investor. Benjamin Graham. 1949.
  5. Common stocks and uncommon profits. Philip A. Fisher. 1957. 
  6. The Science of Hitting. Ted Williams. 1968.
  7. Business Adventures. John Brooks. 1969. 
  8. Straight From the Gut. Jack Welch. 2001.
  9. The Warren Buffett CEO. Robert P. Miles. 2002.
  10. First a Dream. James Clayton. 2002.
  11. Bull! A History of the Boom and Bust, 1982-2004. Maggie Mahar. 2003.
  12. Take on the Street. Arthur Levitt. 2003.
  13. Poor Charlie's Almanack contains the wit and wisdom of Charlie Munger. 2005.
  14. Little Book of Common Sense Investing. John Bogle. 2007. 
  15. The Most Important Thing. Howard Marks. 2011.
  16. The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs. William Thorndike. 2012.
  17. The Clash of the Cultures. John Bogle. 2012.
  18. Investing Between the Lines. L.J. Rittenhouse. 2012.
  19. Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything. Carol Loomis. 2012.
  20. Mitek: A Global Success Story, 1981-2011. Jim Healey. 2012.
  21. 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World. Howard Buffett. 2013.
  22. Dream Big. Cristiane Correa. 2013.
  23. Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders. Max Olson. 2014.
  24. Limping On Water. Phil Beuth. 2015.
  25. Shoe Dog. Phil Knight. 2016.
  26. Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules. Jeremy C. Miller. 2016.
  27. A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers. Peter Bevelin. 2019.
  28. Margin of Trust. Larry Cunningham. 2020.