sábado, 10 de febrero de 2024

40 Books on Money

Level One: $0 to $100,000

  1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Harv Eker.
  2. The Psychology of Money. Morgan Housel.
  3. The Magic of Thinking Big. David Schwartz.
  4. The Winner Effect. Ian Robertson.
  5. Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill.
  6. Unscripted. Mj DeMarco.
  7. The Essence of Success. Earl Nightingale.
  8. Atomic Habits. James Clear.
  9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey.
  10. The 12 Week Year. Brian Moran.
  11. The Art of Getting Things Done. David Allen.
  12. Essentialism. Greg McKewon.
  13. So Good They Can't Ignore You. Cal Newport.
  14. The Unfair Advantage. Ash Ali.
  15. Mastery. Robert Greene.
  16. Steal Like an Artist. Austin Kleon.
  17. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki.
  18. The Compound Effect. Darren Hardy.
  19. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. John Bogle.
  20. The Intelligent Investor. Benjamin Graham. 
  21. One Up on Wall Street. Peter Lynch.

Level two: $100K to $1M

  1. Cashflow Quadrant. Robert Kiyosaki.
  2. The 4-Hour Work Week. Timothy Ferriss.
  3. Zero to One. Peter Thiel.
  4. Disrupt You. Jay Samit.
  5. The Lean Startup. Eric Ries.
  6. Blue Ocean Strategy. Chan Kim.
  7. Oversubscribed. Daniel Priestley.
  8. Breakthrough Advertising. Eugene Schwartz.

Level three: $1M to $10M

  1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Robert Cialdini.
  2. Never Split the Difference. Chris Voss.
  3. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie.
  4. Pitch Anything. Oren Klaff.
  5. Start With Why. Simon Sinek.
  6. The 48 Laws of Power. Robert Greene.
  7. The E Myth. Michael Gerber.
  8. Profit First. Mike Michalowicz.
  9. Good to Great. Jim Collins.
  10. The Fourth Turning. William Strauss.
  11. The changing world order. Ray Dalio.
Bonus by Gabe Bult
  1. Set for life. Scott Trench.
  2. Simple path to wealth.
  3. Your money or your life.
  4. The millionaire next door.
  5. Turning Pro.
Bonus by Nischa
  1. The Millionaire Fast Lane.
  2. The Dhandho Investor.
  3. Girls That Invest.
Bonus by Toby Newbatt
  1. You Can Be a Stock Market Genius 
  2. Mastering the Market Cycle 
  3. Trillions
  4. Money a User's Guide
  5. Just Keep Buying