Level One: $0 to $100,000
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Harv Eker.
- The Psychology of Money. Morgan Housel.
- The Magic of Thinking Big. David Schwartz.
- The Winner Effect. Ian Robertson.
- Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill.
- Unscripted. Mj DeMarco.
- The Essence of Success. Earl Nightingale.
- Atomic Habits. James Clear.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey.
- The 12 Week Year. Brian Moran.
- The Art of Getting Things Done. David Allen.
- Essentialism. Greg McKewon.
- So Good They Can't Ignore You. Cal Newport.
- The Unfair Advantage. Ash Ali.
- Mastery. Robert Greene.
- Steal Like an Artist. Austin Kleon.
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki.
- The Compound Effect. Darren Hardy.
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. John Bogle.
- The Intelligent Investor. Benjamin Graham.
- One Up on Wall Street. Peter Lynch.
Level two: $100K to $1M
- Cashflow Quadrant. Robert Kiyosaki.
- The 4-Hour Work Week. Timothy Ferriss.
- Zero to One. Peter Thiel.
- Disrupt You. Jay Samit.
- The Lean Startup. Eric Ries.
- Blue Ocean Strategy. Chan Kim.
- Oversubscribed. Daniel Priestley.
- Breakthrough Advertising. Eugene Schwartz.
Level three: $1M to $10M
- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Robert Cialdini.
- Never Split the Difference. Chris Voss.
- How to Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie.
- Pitch Anything. Oren Klaff.
- Start With Why. Simon Sinek.
- The 48 Laws of Power. Robert Greene.
- The E Myth. Michael Gerber.
- Profit First. Mike Michalowicz.
- Good to Great. Jim Collins.
- The Fourth Turning. William Strauss.
- The changing world order. Ray Dalio.
Bonus by Gabe Bult
- Set for life. Scott Trench.
- Simple path to wealth.
- Your money or your life.
- The millionaire next door.
- Turning Pro.
Bonus by Nischa
- The Millionaire Fast Lane.
- The Dhandho Investor.
- Girls That Invest.
Bonus by Toby Newbatt
- You Can Be a Stock Market Genius
- Mastering the Market Cycle
- Trillions
- Money a User's Guide
- Just Keep Buying