lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

What Makes a Great Leader?

Linda A. Hill

When organizations can’t innovate, it’s because they don’t have the right leadership.

  • From setting direction and strategy to vision to shaping culture and capabilities.
  • The new ABCs of leadership: Architect, Bridger, and Catalyst
    • A: Architect: Build your company’s culture and capabilities for innovation. How to experiment to learn together. Unleash, leverage and harness talents for the collective good.
    • B: Bridger: Forge partnerships outside your organization. Forge partnerships outside your organization. 
    • C: Catalyst: Accelerate co-creation across the entire ecosystem. 
  • Real-world example: Pfizer turns vendors into partners. 
  • These roles require new ways of thinking about power. Let go of formal authority. Mutual trust, mutual influence, mutual commitment. 
You cannot tell people to innovate, you can only invite them to. Its a voluntary act.