Massive Action Plan. MAP to get to your goal. Small plans doesn't produce results. Momentum. Specific actions to get there. Reasons first, answers second.
- What is it that you really want. Specific result.
- Why do you want it. Purpose, reason.
- What specific actions will you take. Massive Action Plan.
Result, purpose driven, Massive Action Plan. Where focus goes, energy flows.
Take control of your mind, your motion and your time.
- What's my outcome?
- What I really want?
- What's the best, quickest way to get there?
System for managing your life. There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.
- What do you really want for your life today?
- What is the stress of not mastering your time costing you?
- What's one specific result I want in this aspect of my life?