If you want to grow, you have to be intentional. Growth is not automatic.
- Spend time with great people.
- Visit places that bring the greatness out of you.
- Read great books.
- Attend great events.
- Learn to nourish yourself, your soul, your spirit.
A good environment is a place where:
- Others are ahead of me. When you are at the bottom of the class is when you are learning.
- You are continuously challenged.
- My focus is forward.
- The atmosphere is affirming.
- You are out of your comfort zone.
- You wake up excited.
- Failure is not your enemy.
- Other people are growing.
- People desire change.
- A growth model is expected of you.
Lessons learnt over time:
- No shortcuts.
- ACT: Apply, Change, Train.
- Think in the long run.
- Think beyond yourself.
- Have fun.