
domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024

9 Things to Stop Doing

Codie Sanchez
  1. Stop Earning with Your Time, start earning with your mind. Salary, Bonus, Profit Share, Equity.
  2. Stop Living Like a Mess, or you will be a mess (depressed and tired) Clean your desk.
  3. Stop Taking so Long to Action. Akrasia effect.
  4. Stop Many Small Yes’s. Depleting your energy one drop at a time. Don't multitask. The One Thing.
  5. Stop Relying on Motivation. Start relying on discipline. Jocko Willink.
  6. Stop Perfect-ionization. Solve and go for the next level.
  7. Stop Drinking. It's the people you are with, not the wine.
  8. Stop Hanging Out with ONLY your High School Friends. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. 
  9. Stop Eating Cereal for Breakfast. Eat that frog, if there are two, eat the biggest first.