jueves, 24 de octubre de 2024

Counting and multidimensional poverty measurement

Counting and multidimensional poverty measurement. Sabina Alkire, James Foster. 2011. Journal of Public Economics. 12 pp.



  1. Ordinal variables, rather than cardinal. Hard to aggregate in a single number.
  2. Who is poor if there are multiple dimensions?

The Alkire-Foster Method:

  1. Counting-based method
  2.  Adjusted FGT measures
  3. Identifies breadth and depth

Two cutoffs:

  1. First, benchmarking in each dimension
  2. Second, count the number of dimensions below the line

Identifying the poor


  1. Union. Poor if deprived in one or more dimensions. Overestimates.
  2. Intersection. Poor if deprived in all dimensions. Underestimates
  3. Dual cutoff. Intermediate. Poor in at least k dimensions.
    1. Poverty focused
    2. Deprivation focused
    3. Invariant to monotonic transformations

Measuring poverty

  • Dimensions: d
  • Population: n
  • Vector of Achievements: y
  • Dimensional cutoff: z
  • Identification function: p
  • Poor people: q(z)
  • Non-poor people:  r(z) = n - q
  • Measure of poverty: M
  • Methodology: X(p, M)
  • Headcount ratio H = q/n
  • Vector of deprivation counts: c(k)
  • Average deprivation share: A = c/qd
  • Adjusted headcount ratio: Mo = HA
  • Average poverty gap: G
  • Adjusted poverty gap: M1 = HAG
  • Average severity of deprivations: S
  • Adjusted FGT measure: M2 = HAS

General weights

An equal weight of = 1 to each dimension is appropriate when the dimensions are of relatively equal importance. However, in other settings there may be good arguments for using general weights.


  • Decomposability. Overall poverty is the weighted average of subgroup poverty levels, where weights are subgroup population shares. 
  • Invariance. Poverty is evaluated relative to the population size, so as to allow meaningful comparisons across different sized populations.
  • Symmetry. If two or more persons switch achievements, measured poverty is unaffected. This ensures that M does not place greater emphasis on any person or group of persons.
  • Poverty focus. If x = y + r, then M(x) = M(y)
  • Deprivation focus. If x = y + non deprived, then M(x) = M(y)
  • Monotonicity.
  • Nontriviality. M achieves at least two distinct values.
  • Normalization. M achieves a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1.
  • Weak transfer. An averaging of achievements among the poor generates a poverty level that is less than or equal to the original poverty level.
  • Weak rearrangement.

Adjusted headcount ratio

  1. Methodology delivers identical conclusions when monotonic transformations are applied to both variables and cutoffs. 
  2. Methodology is a better choice when key functions are fundamentally ordinal (or categorical) variables.
  3. Methodology conveys tangible information on the deprivations of the poor in a transparent way. Its simple structure ensures that M0 is easy to interpret and straightforward to calculate.
  4. Methodology is fundamentally related to the axiomatic literature on freedom. M can be viewed as a measure of ‘unfreedom’. It may be more tractable to monitor deprivations than attainments.


Two general forms of cutoffs must be chosen:

  1. The deprivation cutoffs zj. 
  2. The poverty cutoff k. Setting k establishes the minimum eligibility criteria for poverty in terms of breadth of deprivation and reflects a judgement regarding the maximally acceptable multiplicity of deprivations. Check robustness for values near the original cutoff, or even to opt for dominance tests that cover all possible values of k.