No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. —Helmuth von Moltke.
Plans are nothing; planning is everything. —Dwight D. Eisenhower.
- Take out a clean sheet of paper and at the top of the page write the word “Goals” with today’s date.
- Make a list of at least 10 goals that you want to accomplish within the middle term. Write the goals in present, positive, imperative way, such as, “I weigh X number of pounds,” or “I earn X number of dollars this year.”
- Repeat the following day without looking at your previous list.
- Periods: 10 days, 30 days, 12 months.
- Think of 3 action steps that you can take immediately to achieve that goal and write them immediately underneath.
Every week:
Identify your Major Definite Purpose. Read through your list of goals and select the one that answers this question: What one goal on this list, if I accomplished it, would have the greatest possible impact on my life?
Apply the next 12-step goal-setting process with the goal you have selected.
- Write this goal on a separate sheet of paper.
- Ask yourself if you really want it.
- Believe that your goal is achievable.
- Set deadlines.
- Write out a list of reasons you want to achieve this goal.
- Identify the obstacles that stand between you and the attainment of this goal.
- Identify the knowledge and the skills you will need to achieve the goal.
- Identify the people whose cooperation and support you’ll need.
- Make a plan to accomplish this goal.
- Take action on your plan and do something every day that moves you toward your goal.
- Visualize your goal continually as if you had already achieved it, and
- Resolve that you will never give up until you are successful.