
miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

X01. Intencionality

Nothing is great until a life is changed. You are a great leader because you reproduce leaders, not because you have followers. 

Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better.

  1. What are you doing to develop yourself? You cannot give what you don't have.
  2. What are you doing to develop others? Compounding the effect.

Growth is not automatic or accidental, it is on purpose. Intentionality. You really need to improve. 

Growth gaps:

  1. The Assumption Gap—“I Assume That I Will Automatically Grow”
  2. The Knowledge Gap—“I Don’t Know How to Grow”
  3. The Timing Gap—“It’s Not the Right Time to Begin”
    • Law of Diminishing Intent. The longer you wait to do something, the greater the odds that you will never do it.
  4. The Mistake Gap—“I’m Afraid of Making Mistakes”
  5. The Perfection Gap—“I Have to Find the Best Way Before I Start”
  6. The Inspiration Gap—“I Don’t Feel Like Doing It.” Forget motivation. Just do it.
  7. The Comparison Gap—“Others Are Better Than I Am”
  8. The Expectation Gap—“I Thought It Would Be Easier Than This”
    • Preparation (growth) + Attitude + Opportunity + Action = Luck

Getting started is the key to life. Personal growth keeps me prepared. 

You don't stop or don't start because of what you don't have. Everything begins with challenge. It is always going to be difficult. 

  1. Ask the big question. How far can I go?
  2. Do it now.
  3. Face the fear factor.
    • Fear of Failure
    • Fear of Trading Security for the Unknown
    • Fear of Being Overextended Financially
    • Fear of What Others Will Say or Think
    • Fear that Success Will Alienate Peers
  4. Change from Accidental to Intentional Growth.

Intentional Growth Plan:

  1. Make a commitment to intentionally grow.
  2. Make that commitment public. A private commitment is worthless. A shared commitment becomes a strong commitment.
  3. Identify the areas you want to grow personally in. At least two and no more than five.
  4. Invest one hour a day in these two areas. Preparation, practice, reflection.
  5. Take one hour a week to reflect and write what you learn.
  6. Share your growth with those who are thrilled with your progress.
If you become intentional in your growth, you'll outgrow everybody you know.