First hours of the days set the tone for the rest of the day.
- Plan your day the night before. 1 minute in planning saves 10 minutes in execution. Set priorities. What task is the most important. Proceed in that way up to the 7 most important tasks.
- Get up two hours before your first appointment.
- Meditate. Mindfulness. Set your mind for the rest of the day.
- Set your goals. Everyday write down your 10 goals to reach in the middle term.
- Stretch and exercise. When your energy is high. Pump your body.
- Make your bed. Start your day with a task completed.
- Avoid e-distractions the first hours of the day (emails, whatsapp, etc.) Establish an hour well advanced the day to start checking your electronics.
- Eat your breakfast.
- Read. When your mind is clear.