- Identify your Raving Fans.
- Deliver a random act of appreciation.
- Assess how you can leverage your network of relationships.
How to Ask for Help.
- Just a conversation.
- Be clear about what you want.
- Ask for brainstorm. Coaching.
- Invite them to a coffee.
Relationships Matter.
- Mentors. Provide valuable advice and guidance on career and business.
- Sponsors. Senior enough to be able to pluck them out and place them into a new opportunity.
- Supporters. Pluck you out and advocate for you. Pick you up when you are down. Provide insights and feedback that help you be successful.
- Fans. They can expand your branding. Boast your confidence.
Empower your supporters.
Case Study.
- Getting back to success starts by working on your self to make sure you’re the best you can be.
- Couple that with reaching out to engage with others in your network. No one succeeds alone.
- Take constructive action, no matter how small it is, beats waiting and wondering.