jueves, 31 de octubre de 2024

Stop translating in your head


  1. Surround yourself with English. Immerse in an English environment
  2. Speak out loud. Let them hear your voice
  3. Use images. Connect words to images, don't translate
  4. Think in English during everyday activities. Create simple sentences
  5. Practice thinking in English in your quiet moments
  6. Avoid using translation apps too much. Try to solve with your words
  7. Use context clues. Try to understand the overall message
  8. Keep a journal. Start writing in a regular basis. Organize your thoughts
  9. Engage in conversations with native English speakers. Online forums
  10. Be patient and persistent. Time and practice. Keep going.

El atizador de Wittgenstein

Rafael Narbona.

25 de octubre de 1946. Karl Popper imparte una conferencia en el Moral Science Club de la Universidad de Cambridge que titula: ¿Existen realmente los problemas filosóficos?. Popper habla con pasión. Una lluvia suave azota los altos cristales de la sala. De vez en cuando, asoma el sol y el silencio se restablece. Al fondo, escuchan Ludwig Wittgenstein, visiblemente contrariado, y Bertrand Russell, con la cara sumida en la preocupación. Conoce a Ludwig y sabe que no le agrada lo que escucha. Teme que al finalizar la conferencia se enfrente con Popper y pierda los estribos. Ha oído que en su etapa de maestro de escuela pegaba a los alumnos con violencia prusiana. A pesar del frío, Wittgenstein lleva unas sandalias que le dejan los dedos al aire. Sin corbata, su americana y sus pantalones están arrugados. Parece que hubiera dormido con la ropa puesta. Algunos profesores no ocultan el desagrado que les produce su aspecto.

Popper ha reparado en Wittgenstein y se pregunta qué efecto le están causando sus palabras. Está explicando que las tesis metafísicas no pueden ser refutadas, lo cual no significa que carezcan de significado. Simplemente, hay que señalar que no pertenecen al dominio de la ciencia. El saber debe ser demarcado, clasificado, ordenado. Hay que señalar claramente el lugar de cada proposición para no llegar a conclusiones ilegítimas. Las proposiciones morales tienen significado, pero no pueden ser avaladas por la ciencia. Pertenecen al terreno de la filosofía y, por tanto, son meramente especulativas.

Termina la conferencia. Wittgenstein se acerca a Popper. Le mira desde arriba, pues mide veinte centímetros más que él. Parece un cisne contemplando desdeñoso a un patito feo. Popper le sostiene la mirada sin dejarse intimidar. Wittgenstein afirma que las proposiciones morales carecen de significado. No son despreciables, pero no expresan hechos del mundo. Apuntan a un más allá inaccesible e inverificable. Solo son símiles sobre los que nunca habrá consenso. No aportan conocimiento y nunca estarán respaldadas por la razón.

—Deme un ejemplo de proposición moral con significado —exige Wittgenstein.

Popper responde con calma, pero sin escatimar la ironía. Su interlocutor advierte su condescendencia y agarra un atizador de chimenea, alzándolo amenazador. Bertrand Russell interviene y le pide enérgicamente que suelte el atizador. 

—Usted no me entiende, Russell —chilla Wittgenstein—. Usted no entiende nunca lo que digo.

—Usted lo está confundiendo todo, Wittgenstein —replica Russell, visiblemente irritado—. Usted siempre lo confunde todo. Suelte el atizador.

—¿Quiere una proposición moral con significado? —pregunta Popper, con cierta malicia en la mirada—. Aquí tiene una: No amenazar a un profesor visitante con un atizador.

Wittgenstein arroja al suelo el atizador y se marcha dando un portazo. Russell suspira aliviado y Popper sonríe con aire triunfador. El duelo ha terminado y ha salido bien librado. La lluvia ha vuelto a golpear el cristal. Cambridge es un lugar de contrastes.

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024

MP 18.5

S: 501809306112

C: bybm x158 9bc5 ztL9 zj4h Lg2q 1erv zvpj bzn9 x72

A: 4$vp

Efecto Mozart

En 1993, la psicóloga Frances Rauscher de la Universidad de California​ publicó su investigación Music and Spatial Task Performance en la revista Nature, en la cual encontró que la exposición de 36 estudiantes durante 10 minutos a la Sonata para dos pianos en re mayor (KV 448/375a) de Mozart tenía efectos positivos en las pruebas de razonamiento espacio temporal. Este efecto duraba unos 10 minutos.

Casi dos décadas después, en 2010, los científicos Jacob Pietschnig, Voracek Martin y Anton Forman del Instituto de Investigación Básica Psicológica de la Universidad de Viena, publicaron en la prestigiosa revista Intelligence que las sonatas de Mozart son agradables para el oído, pero que la creencia de que potencia la inteligencia de los niños es falsa.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2024


Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem, frase que traducida al español literalmente dice: Visita El Interior De La Tierra, Rectificando Encontrarás La Piedra Escondida.

Competent human being

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

—From the notebooks of Lazarus Long

Robert A. Heinlein, 1973

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2024

A Luis Spota

Luis Spota tuvo la mala ocurrencia de llamar a Salvador Novo, 'Nalgador Sobo', en alusión a su homosexualismo, agregaba que Novo había hecho muy bien al escribir su libro Las Aves en la Poesía Mexicana, pues era experto en toda clase de pájaros. Escribió además, en una de sus columnas periodísticas, que se veía al escritor rondar por las noches el Colegio Militar en busca de aventuras. Novo, en respuesta, le publicó unos versos:

A Luis Spota,

Este grafococo tierno
Tiene por signo fatal
En el apellido paterno
La profesión maternal.

—Salvador Novo

Comenta el editor Héctor Anaya: —Eso le dolió a Spota toda la vida.

Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations members in 2015, created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed to reach "peace and prosperity for people and the planet" while tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests.

  1. No poverty (SDG 1)
  2. Zero hunger (SDG 2)
  3. Good health and well-being (SDG 3)
  4. Quality education (SDG 4)
  5. Gender equality (SDG 5)
  6. Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
  7. Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7)
  8. Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)
  9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9)
  10. Reduced inequalities (SDG 10)
  11. Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11)
  12. Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)
  13. Climate action (SDG 13)
  14. Life below water (SDG 14)
  15. Life on land (SDG 15)
  16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)
  17. Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17)

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2024

George Soros Lectures

Open Society Chair and Founder George Soros (Budapest, 1930) shared his thoughts on economics and politics in a five-part lecture series recorded at Central European University, in October 26–30, 2009.

  1. General Theory of Reflexibility
  2. Financial Markets
  3. Open Society
  4. Capitalism vs. Open Society
  5. The Way Ahead

MPI OPHI Indicators

El AF Method considers 3 dimensions, weighted equally, captured through 10 indicators.

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2024

Maldición del conocimiento

La maldición del conocimiento es un sesgo cognitivo que se produce cuando un individuo, en comunicación con otras personas, supone que los otros tienen los antecedentes necesarios para entender lo que dice.

No temas donde vayas

No temas donde vayas, que has de morir donde debes.

—Miguel Nazar Haro

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2024

Mental Models You Can Use to Think Like a Genius

By Dalton Mabery for Farnam Street.

A mental model is an explanation of how something works. It is an overarching term for any sort of concept, framework, or worldview that you carry around in your mind. Mental models help you understand life.

  1. The Map is not the Territory. 
  2. Circle of Competence
  3. Second Order Thinking
  4. Probabilistic thinking
  5. Inversion
  6. Occam’s Razor
  7. Hanlon’s Razor
  8. Reciprocity
  9. Activation Energy

Cuatro Estaciones

Las cuatro estaciones es un grupo de cuatro conciertos para violín y orquesta del italiano Antonio Vivaldi, cada uno dedicado a una estación: la primavera, el verano, el otoño y el invierno. Compuestos alrededor de 1721, fueron publicados en Amsterdam por Michel-Charles Le Cène en 1725.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2024

Counting and multidimensional poverty measurement

Counting and multidimensional poverty measurement. Sabina Alkire, James Foster. 2011. Journal of Public Economics. 12 pp.



  1. Ordinal variables, rather than cardinal. Hard to aggregate in a single number.
  2. Who is poor if there are multiple dimensions?

The Alkire-Foster Method:

  1. Counting-based method
  2.  Adjusted FGT measures
  3. Identifies breadth and depth

Two cutoffs:

  1. First, benchmarking in each dimension
  2. Second, count the number of dimensions below the line

Identifying the poor


  1. Union. Poor if deprived in one or more dimensions. Overestimates.
  2. Intersection. Poor if deprived in all dimensions. Underestimates
  3. Dual cutoff. Intermediate. Poor in at least k dimensions.
    1. Poverty focused
    2. Deprivation focused
    3. Invariant to monotonic transformations

Measuring poverty

  • Dimensions: d
  • Population: n
  • Vector of Achievements: y
  • Dimensional cutoff: z
  • Identification function: p
  • Poor people: q(z)
  • Non-poor people:  r(z) = n - q
  • Measure of poverty: M
  • Methodology: X(p, M)
  • Headcount ratio H = q/n
  • Vector of deprivation counts: c(k)
  • Average deprivation share: A = c/qd
  • Adjusted headcount ratio: Mo = HA
  • Average poverty gap: G
  • Adjusted poverty gap: M1 = HAG
  • Average severity of deprivations: S
  • Adjusted FGT measure: M2 = HAS

General weights

An equal weight of = 1 to each dimension is appropriate when the dimensions are of relatively equal importance. However, in other settings there may be good arguments for using general weights.


  • Decomposability. Overall poverty is the weighted average of subgroup poverty levels, where weights are subgroup population shares. 
  • Invariance. Poverty is evaluated relative to the population size, so as to allow meaningful comparisons across different sized populations.
  • Symmetry. If two or more persons switch achievements, measured poverty is unaffected. This ensures that M does not place greater emphasis on any person or group of persons.
  • Poverty focus. If x = y + r, then M(x) = M(y)
  • Deprivation focus. If x = y + non deprived, then M(x) = M(y)
  • Monotonicity.
  • Nontriviality. M achieves at least two distinct values.
  • Normalization. M achieves a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1.
  • Weak transfer. An averaging of achievements among the poor generates a poverty level that is less than or equal to the original poverty level.
  • Weak rearrangement.

Adjusted headcount ratio

  1. Methodology delivers identical conclusions when monotonic transformations are applied to both variables and cutoffs. 
  2. Methodology is a better choice when key functions are fundamentally ordinal (or categorical) variables.
  3. Methodology conveys tangible information on the deprivations of the poor in a transparent way. Its simple structure ensures that M0 is easy to interpret and straightforward to calculate.
  4. Methodology is fundamentally related to the axiomatic literature on freedom. M can be viewed as a measure of ‘unfreedom’. It may be more tractable to monitor deprivations than attainments.


Two general forms of cutoffs must be chosen:

  1. The deprivation cutoffs zj. 
  2. The poverty cutoff k. Setting k establishes the minimum eligibility criteria for poverty in terms of breadth of deprivation and reflects a judgement regarding the maximally acceptable multiplicity of deprivations. Check robustness for values near the original cutoff, or even to opt for dominance tests that cover all possible values of k.

Medida FGT

El Índice de pobreza Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT), desarrollado en 1984, mide las carencias en función de una línea de pobreza establecida, de los ingresos, de la población total y de la población vulnerable, todo ello ponderado por la sensibilidad a la pobreza. La fórmula del FGT está dada por:

donde  es la línea de pobreza, N es el número de personas en una economía, H es el número de pobres,  son los ingresos individuales y  es un parámetro de sensibilidad. Cuanto mayor sea el estadístico, más pobreza existe en una economía.

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2024

Alkire-Foster Method

The Alkire Foster Method (AFM) was developed by Sabina Alkire and James Foster at the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI) in 2007.

  • It is a means of calculating multidimensional measures using a counting-based approach. 
  • Often used to calculate Multidimensional Poverty Indices (MPIs). 
  • It can show both breadth and depth (incidence and intensity) of poverty, identifying interconnections among deprivations.
  • It considers dimensions like health, education and living standards. 
  • It can also incorporate a wide range of indicators, cutoffs, and weights.
  • Designed to be intuitive and easy to calculate.
  • It can be broken down by indicator, geographic area, ethnicity, gender, and other social groups.

Sin pedir nada a cambio

Un rasgo de generosidad espontánea, sin pedir nada a cambio. Como siempre sucede en esos casos, nadie le dio las gracias.

Luis González de Alba. Los días y los años

martes, 22 de octubre de 2024

Mackey’s 25 Landmarks

The first major attempt to define the landmarks was in 1858, when Albert Mackey (1807-1881) defined 25 in total:

  1. The fraternal modes of recognition.
  2. The division of the order into 3 symbolic degrees.
  3. The symbolic legend of Hiram Abif.
  4. The government of the fraternity by a Grand Master.
  5. The prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the craft.
  6. The prerogative of the Grand Master to issue dispensations for conferring degrees at irregular times.
  7. The prerogative of the Grand Master to issue dispensations for opening and holding Lodges otherwise not established.
  8. The prerogative of the Grand Master to make MM at Sight.
  9. The necessity for MM to congregate in Lodges.
  10. The government of Lodges to be by a Master and two Wardens.
  11. The necessity that every Lodge when congregated be duly tiled.
  12. The right of every M to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft.
  13. The right of every M to appeal from his Lodge’s decisions to the Grand Lodge.
  14. The right of every M to sit in every regular Lodge.
  15. That no unknown visitor be allowed to sit in Lodge without being examined and found to be a M.
  16. That no Lodge can interfere in the business of another Lodge.
  17. That every M be amenable to the laws and regulations of the Jurisdiction in which he resides.
  18. That candidates be required to meet certain qualifications; namely: being of mature age, not a cripple, and free born.
  19. That a belief in the existence of God be a requirement for membership.
  20. That belief in a resurrection to a future life be a requirement for membership.
  21. That the Book of the Law shall constitute an indispensable part of the furniture of every Lodge.
  22. The equality of all MM.
  23. The secrecy of the Institution.
  24. The foundation of a speculative science upon an operative art, and the symbolic use and explanation of the terms of that art for purposes of moral teaching.
  25. That none of these landmarks can be changed.

Sobre Tlatelolco del 68


  • Los días y los años. (1970). Luis González de Alba.
  • La noche de Tlatelolco. (1971). Elena Poniatowska.
  • La plaza. (1971). Luis Spota.
  • El estudiante inquieto: 1966-1970. (1972). Ernesto Flores Zavala.
  • México 68: Juventud y revolución. (1978). José Revueltas.
  • Parte de Guerra. (1999). Julio Scherer. Carlos Monsiváis.
  • Los 68. París, Praga, México. (2005). Carlos Fuentes.
  • Ensayos. Octavio Paz.
  • '68. (2008). Paco Ignacio Taibo II.
  • El 68, la tradición de la resistencia. (2008). Carlos Monsiváis.
  • Historias del 68. (2018). Vicente Leñero.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024

Night Falls in Mexico

El Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York (MoMA) presentó en 2019 una retrospectiva de 13 películas del director Roberto Gavaldón:

  1. La barraca (1945)
  2. La otra (1946)
  3. El socio (1946)
  4. La diosa arrodillada (1947)
  5. Rosauro Castro (1950)
  6. En la palma de tu mano (1951)
  7. La noche avanza (1952)
  8. El rebozo de Soledad (1952)
  9. Sombra verde (1954)
  10. Macario (1960)
  11. Rosa blanca (1961)
  12. Días de otoño (1961)
  13. Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo (1973)

Tifo y Tifoidea

Rickettsia y Salmonella

Tifo: Se contagia a través de pulgas, piojos y garrapatas que transmiten la bacteria Rickettsia proveniente de mamíferos infectados, bien sea a través de la picadura o de sus heces que penetran a través del rascado de la piel.

Tifoidea: Se transmite por alimentos y agua contaminados con la bacteria Salmonella Typhi.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2024

Antes de comprar una propiedad

Documentos que debes solicitar antes de comprar una propiedad:

  1. Escritura
  2. Identidad del vendedor
  3. Inscripción en el Registro Público de la Propiedad
  4. Certificado de libertad de gravamen
  5. Uso de suelo
  6. Pagos prediales

Ciclo Pacientes Terminales

En febrero de 2023 la Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM organizó el ciclo Pacientes Terminales que incluyó cuatro películas:

  1. La fuerza del cariño (Estados Unidos, 1983), de James L. Brooks 
  2. Juntos para siempre (Estados Unidos, 1989), de Norman René 
  3. Iris: Recuerdos imborrables (Reino Unido, 2001), de Richard Eyre 
  4. Mis últimos días: Las invasiones Bárbaras (Canadá, 2003), de Denys Arcand

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2024

The Laws of the Improbability

The Law of Inevitability

Something must happen. The law of inevitability says that one of the complete set of all possible outcomes of a random event must occur. So, to see this law in action, we need need to be able to list all the possible outcomes, at least in principle: the set of all possible lottery tickets that might come up, the set of all birthdays in a year, and so on.

The Law of Truly Large Numbers

With a large enough number of opportunities, any outrageous thing is likely to happen.

The Law of Selection

You can make things as likely as you want if you choose after the event

The Law of the Probability Lever

Slight changes can make highly improbable events almost certain

The Law of Near Enough

Events which are sufficiently similar are regarded as identical

Espacio Escultórico UNAM

Inaugurado el 23 de abril de 1979, el Espacio Escultórico surgió como idea del escultor Federico Silva en 1977, con el propósito de plasmar las artes plásticas y el movimiento escultórico geométrico en México en un entorno natural.

Se compone de dos partes:

  1. La plataforma de desplante, de 120 metros de diámetro, conformada por 34 prismas triangulares.
  2. El paseo de las esculturas:
    1. Las Serpientes del Pedregal y Ocho Conejo, ambas de Federico Silva
    2. Cóatl de Helen Escobedo
    3. Ave Dos de Hersúa
    4. Cólotl de Sebastián
    5. Variante de la Llave de Kepler de Manuel Felguérez
    6. Corona del Pedregal de Mathias Goeritz

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2024

Pervert's Guide to Cinema

Menciones de Slavoj Žižek:
  • Possessed. 1931.
  • Matrix. 1999.
  • The birds. 1963.
  • Psycho. 1960.
  • Duck Soup. 1933.
  • Monkey Business. 191
  • The Exorcist. 1973.
  • Dr. Mabuse. 1933.
  • Alien. 1979.
  • The Great Dictator. 1940.
  • Mulhollan Dr. 2002.
  • Alice in Wonderland. 1951.
  • The Red Shoes. 1948.
  • Dr. Strangelove. 1964.
  • Fight Club. 1999.
  • Dead of Night. 1945.
  • The Conversation. 1974.
  • Blue Velvet. 1986.
  • ´Vertigo. 1958.

Stephen Few's 8 Core Principles for Data Visualization

The best software for data analysis is the software you forget you're using. It's such a natural extension of your thinking process that you can use it without thinking about the mechanics.

Stephen Few

Stephen Few's 8 Core Principles for data visualization:

  1. Simplify. Just like an artist can capture the essence of an emotion with just a few lines, good data visualization captures the essence of data, without oversimplifying.
  2. Compare. We need to be able to compare our data visualizations side by side. We can't hold the details of our data visualizations in our memory. Shift the burden of effort to our eyes.
  3. Attend. The tool needs to make it easy for us to attend to the data that's really important. Our brains are easily encouraged to pay attention to the relevant or irrelevant details.
  4. Explore. Data visualization tools should let us just look. Not just to answer a specific question, but to explore data and discover things. Directed and exploratory analysis are equally valid, but we need to be sure that out visualization tool makes both possible.
  5. POV. Different views of the same data provide different insights. It helps to be able to look at the same data from different perspectives at the same time and see how they fit together.
  6. Why. More than knowing "what's happening", we need to know "why it's happening". This is where actionable results come from.
  7. Doubt. Ask more questions, as fast as you can think of them.
  8. Respond. It's the ability to share our data that leads to global enlightenment.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024


The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Libor) was an interest rate average calculated from estimates submitted by the leading banks in London. Each bank estimated what it would be charged were it to borrow from other banks. It was the primary benchmark, along with the Euribor, for short-term interest rates around the world. The last rates were published on 30 June 2023 before 12:00 pm UK time, with market participants encouraged to transition to risk-free interest rates such as SOFR and SARON.

Fábulas Pánicas

En 1967 Luis Spota dirigía el suplemento cultural de El Heraldo de México cuando Alejandro Jodorowsky Prullanskyle ofreció una colaboración que combinaría la fábula y el cómic. Él mismo escribiría y dibujaría una plana a color con una anécdota individual a la que llamaría Fábulas Pánicas, en referencia al pánico, el movimiento artístico de vanguardia que había fundado en 1962. La primera fábula pánica fue publicada el domingo 4 de junio de 1967, dentro de una serie originalmente planeada para durar tres meses. Sin embargo, su éxito las hizo continuar cada domingo durante seis años y medio, hasta el 30 de diciembre de 1973. La serie completa fue reunida en un libro en 2003.

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024

15 Steps To Reinvent Yourself And Start Over


  1. Decide you want to change
  2. Make a 6 month plan
  3. Start building your new skill set
  4. Make 1 connection from the new world you’ll live in
  5. Understand that the door is open and it will remain that way
  6. Move & Survive
  7. Push through the feeling of loneliness and chaos
  8. Start building new life routines
  9. Find your first anchor of happiness - then build around it
  10. Set big goals for your new life
  11. Build your social circle
  12. Pay attention to not repeat the patterns of the previous life
  13. Prove to yourself that you can live off this new lifestyle long term
  14. Incrementally improve elements around you
  15. Achieve the new version of success

Harry Potter's Films

  1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. 2001. 7.6
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 2002. 7.4
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 2004. 7.9
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. 2005. 7.7
  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. 2007. 7.5
  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 2009. 7.6
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. 2010. 7.7
  8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. 2011. 8.1

martes, 15 de octubre de 2024

Las 7 plagas sobre Anáhuac

Gerónimo de Mendieta enumera las siete plagas sobre los indígenas:

  • 1520. Viruela
  • 1531. Sarampión
  • 1545. Cocoliztle, un pujamiento de la sangre (¿influenza?)
  • 1564. Mortandad
  • 1576. Matlazáhuatl, tal vez tifo
  • 1588. Tifo
  • 1595. Sarampión, paperas y tabardillo

Lois & Clark

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman is a comic book edited by DC Comics in 1994 that reprints 9 Superman stories:

  • Introduction. John Byrne.

  1. The Story of the Century. Man of Steel 2. 1986.
  2. Tears for Titano. Superman Annual #1 (1986)
  3. Metropolis - 900 MI. Superman 9 (1987)
  4. The Name Game. Superman 11 (1987)
  5. Lois Lane. Action Comics 600 (1988)
  6. Headhunter. Adventures of Superman 445 (1988) 
  7. Homeless for the Holidays. Adventures of Superman 462 (1990)
  8. The Limits of Power. Adventures of Superman 466 (1990)
  9. Survival. Action Comics 655 (1990)

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2024

40 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew in My 20s

1. Don’t become good at something you hate.  
2. Go to bed and wake up at the exact same time every day.  
3. Take care of your body; it’s the only one you have.  
4. Stay close to people who want more for you, not from you.  
5. Normalize leaving people in the reality they’ve chosen.  
6. Being humble is thinking of yourself less, not thinking less of yourself.  
7. You get tested the most when it’s your time to level up.  
8. Improve yourself daily—make that your only addiction.  
9. You teach people how to treat you.  
10. Admit you’ve walked through the wrong door instead of staying in the wrong room.  
11. Waiting for a sign is a sign.  
12. Nothing you’ve gone through has made you weaker.  
13. Everything wants you when you want nothing.  
14. Be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time to be successful.  
15. When things get easy, go hard.  
16. Only ask for advice from people who have been where you want to go.  
17. The word “No” is a complete sentence.  
18. Don’t dim your light to make others comfortable.  
19. Have a primary aim for your life.  
20. Stop reading books, start studying them.  
21. Always assume positive intent.  
22. Put your own mask on first before helping others.  
23. Look for problems, don’t avoid them.  
24. Your new life will cost you your old one.  
25. Confidence comes from keeping commitments you make to yourself in private.  
26. Dedicate a decade, not a day, to your goals.  
27. Treat others the way you want to be treated.  
28. Tell people about themselves; acknowledge their strengths.  
29. If you keep running into bad people, you may be the problem.  
30. Avoid drama and gossip at all costs.  
31. Fear gives bad advice.  
32. It’s never too late to change.  
33. Get rid of all your vices.  
34. If you’re addicted to your phone, your life isn’t interesting enough.  
35. Take on as much responsibility as you can.  
36. Don’t blame anyone else but yourself for your circumstances.  
37. Be blissfully dissatisfied with where you’re at in life.  
38. Make time for what matters to you.  
39. Respect comes from admiration, not fear.  
40. Life is a mirror, not a window.

Jean Claude Trichet y Guillermo Ortiz

Jean Claude Trichet (Lyon, 1942). Civil Engineer, was head of the Trésor Public, governor of the Banque de France, president of the European Central Bank, member of the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements, among others.

  • 2008, First Crisis of the New Globalization: Developed economies, former Socialist countries and Developing world. Speed of transmission. Non conventional measures. Magnitude of support: 25% GDP. Progressive deactivation of measure to avoid jumps and falls.
  • Fiscal policy must be treated with care and responsibility. Control for deficits and debt in the Eurozone. Surveillance of peers. The Greece Case.
  • Europe needs more flexible markets of goods, services and labor. Need of structural reforms.
  • Opportunity for growth through globalization. Work needed in the resilience and flexibility of the system.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024

9 Things to Stop Doing

Codie Sanchez
  1. Stop Earning with Your Time, start earning with your mind. Salary, Bonus, Profit Share, Equity.
  2. Stop Living Like a Mess, or you will be a mess (depressed and tired) Clean your desk.
  3. Stop Taking so Long to Action. Akrasia effect.
  4. Stop Many Small Yes’s. Depleting your energy one drop at a time. Don't multitask. The One Thing.
  5. Stop Relying on Motivation. Start relying on discipline. Jocko Willink.
  6. Stop Perfect-ionization. Solve and go for the next level.
  7. Stop Drinking. It's the people you are with, not the wine.
  8. Stop Hanging Out with ONLY your High School Friends. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. 
  9. Stop Eating Cereal for Breakfast. Eat that frog, if there are two, eat the biggest first.

Cine mexicano: 1919-1940

1919. El automóvil gris. Enrique Rosas
1931. Santa. Antonio Moreno
1933. El compadre Mendoza. Fernando de Fuentes
1933. La mujer del puerto. Arcady Boytler
1934. Janitzio. Carlos Navarro
1934. Dos monjes. Juan Bustillo Oro
1935. Luponini de Chicago. José Bohr
1936. Redes. Emilio Gómez Muriel
1936. Vámonos con Pancho Villa. Fernando de Fuentes
1936. Allá en el Rancho Grande. Fernando de Fuentes
1937. Águila o sol. Arcady Boytler
1940. Ahí está el detalle. Juan Bustillo Oro

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2024

Los 3 remates de mangana


  1. Redonda
  2. Máscara
  3. Bigotona

Data Visualization Influencers

Victor Pascual Cid. OneTandem

Authors and influences:

  • Edward Tufte. USA, 1942. Yale University.
  • Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. USA, 1980
  • Alberto Cairo. España, 1974. U Miami.
  • Nathan Yau.
  • Stephen Few. Haas School of Business, Berkeley.
  • Mike Bostock. New York Times.

  • d3js.org
  • PerceptualEdge
  • FlowingData

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024

Los 6 momentos contables del gasto

Los momentos contables para los gastos son:
  1. Aprobado. Asignación en el Presupuesto.
  2. Modificado. Adecuación al presupuesto aprobado.
  3. Comprometido. Aprobación por autoridad competente de un acto administrativo que formaliza una relación jurídica para la adquisición o ejecución de bienes y servicios.
  4. Devengado. Obligación de pago por la recepción de bienes, servicios y obras oportunamente contratados; así como obligaciones que derivan de tratados, leyes, decretos, resoluciones y sentencias definitivas.
  5. Ejercido. Emisión de una cuenta por liquidar aprobada por la autoridad competente.
  6. Pagado. Cancelación de las obligaciones que se concreta mediante el desembolso de efectivo o cualquier otro medio de pago.
  • Acuerdo por el que se emiten las normas y metodologia para la determinacion de los momentos contables de los egresos.

Los Planetas

Opus 32 de Gustav Holst (Inglaterra, 1874 - 1934), es una suite orquestal en siete movimientos compuesta entre 1914 y 1917 y estrenada en 1918. Cada movimiento de la suite lleva el nombre de un planeta del sistema solar. Es una influencia notable en la banda sonora de Star Wars compuesta por John Williams.

  1. Mars, the Bringer of War
  2. Venus, the Bringer of Peace
  3. Mercury, the Winged Messenger
  4. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
  5. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age
  6. Uranus, the Magician
  7. Neptune, the Mystic

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2024

Somebody hungrier

Here's the thing about America, the minute you relax and fatten up, somebody hungrier's gonna come along, looking for a piece of your pie.

—Ethelrida Pearl Smutny. Fargo 1.1

Review Something worth having.

7 Brain Exercises

Brody Miller

  1. Simultaneously write, with both hands, two different letters
  2. Touch nose and ear, with both hands, simultaneously and change hands
  3. Simultaneously, with both hands, 2 and 3 with the fingers
  4. Simultaneously, with both hands, fingers in, thumb out, alternating
  5. Simultaneously, wit alternate leg and arm, do a moebius band
  6. Simultaneously, and alternatively, open and close fists
  7. Left arm clockwise, right arm, anti clockwise

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2024

Alan Greenspan y Guillermo Ortiz

Arquitectos de la economía mundial. 2010.

  • Bubbles, by definition, deflate. The subprime bubble was different in that its leverage was considerable higher and spread among the families. 
  • Forecasting: Difficult to get it right, more difficult to get it right for the right reasons.
  • Subcapitalization of the banking system to face the risks. Bad risk management. The post war system of risk assessment was inadequate.
  • Regulation system. Global capital markets. Adequate capital and liquidity requirements to face the problems. Regulate de global market, not just the national markets.
  • Recovery of the financial system through the equity market. Regulation does not have to suffocate the innovative activity.
  • 25% of homes are mortgaged at a price bigger that its price. Risk of a downturn in the house market. A big proportion of vacant single units for sale.
  • Europe. Slow growth. Maastricht: 3% deficit or 60% debt of GDP. Peer pressure.

Conciertos de Brandeburgo

  • Seis conciertos, del 1046 al 1051 del Catálogo de las obras de Bach.
    1. Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 1 en fa mayor, BWV 1046
    2. Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 2 en fa mayor, BWV 1047
    3. Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 3 en sol mayor, BWV 1048
    4. Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 4 en sol mayor, BWV 1049
    5. Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 5 en re mayor, BWV 1050
    6. Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 6 en si bemol mayor, BWV 1051
  • Título original: Six Concerts à plusieurs instruments
  • Escritos para la orquesta de Cöthen entre 1717 y 1721
  • Entregados en 1721
  • Dedicados a Christian Ludwig, Margrave de Brandeburgo-Schwedt
  • Interpretados por primera vez en 1850