miércoles, 8 de enero de 2025

5 Mental Tricks Used By Special Forces

Chad Storlie.

These 5 Mental Preparation Tricks Used By Special Forces Will Help You In Any Situation:

  1. Breathe slow, breathe deep, and clear your mind. (1) Pause, (2) Focus and slow your breathing, (3) Take several slow deep breathes, (4) Clear your mind, and (5) Focus 100% on the task at hand. This process endows you with extraordinary control to tackle a complex task with clear mind.
  2. Rehearse the activity in your mind. Slow, step-by-step mental rehearsals create mastery. With great level of detailed imagery, rehearse over and over in your head, this will create mental discipline to master complex tasks.
  3. Do the best you can for the next five minutes. By focusing on short periods of time, you can deal with a seemingly impossible task. Repeat until you cross the finish line.
  4. Focus on the present. Here and now. Aware of the surroundings, think about possible developments.
  5. Act and look relaxed — even if you don’t feel it. Just the image of control helps relieve stress and injects you with a belief of your actual level of command of a situation.