Chad Storlie.
These 5 Mental Preparation Tricks Used By Special Forces Will Help You In Any Situation:
- Breathe slow, breathe deep, and clear your mind. (1) Pause, (2) Focus and slow your breathing, (3) Take several slow deep breathes, (4) Clear your mind, and (5) Focus 100% on the task at hand. This process endows you with extraordinary control to tackle a complex task with clear mind.
- Rehearse the activity in your mind. Slow, step-by-step mental rehearsals create mastery. With great level of detailed imagery, rehearse over and over in your head, this will create mental discipline to master complex tasks.
- Do the best you can for the next five minutes. By focusing on short periods of time, you can deal with a seemingly impossible task. Repeat until you cross the finish line.
- Focus on the present. Here and now. Aware of the surroundings, think about possible developments.
- Act and look relaxed — even if you don’t feel it. Just the image of control helps relieve stress and injects you with a belief of your actual level of command of a situation.