domingo, 30 de junio de 2024

Azúcar por cada 100 gr. de producto comestible

Gramos de azúcar por cada 100 gramos de producto comestible:

Saludable:                 0 a 5
Medio:                       5 a 10
Poco saludable:      10 a 20

Campaña política digital: el equipo

Andrés Elías. Campañeando.


  1. Estratega digital. Crea, investiga y planea la estrategia política.
  2. Project manager. Coordina el equipo. Implementa la estrategia.
  3. Content. Elabora la parrilla y crea contenidos.
  4. Planner. Investiga el mercado electoral y encuentra los insights relevantes. 
  5. Trafficker. Encargado de pautas y monitoreo de tráfico.
  6. Copywriter. Escribe los guiones.
  7. Diseñador gráfico. Encargado de la línea gráfica.
  8. Creativo. Aporta creatividad al trabajo de agencia. 
  9. Analista. Pendiente del social listening.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2024

10 Rules for Success From the Founder of Hilton Hotels

Conrad Hilton.

  1. Find Your Own Particular Talent. Take time to explore what you love or think you’d love. You never know where you may end up. Conrad Hilton was a big believer in the fact that everyone is good at one specific thing and needs to nurture that thing. Conrad’s specific talent was his ability to manage hotels down to the dollar, and he showed that by succeeding during the Great Depression.
  2. Be Big. Expand as far as possible and make yourself appear as large as possible during the process, that would make you and your business as set up for success as it could possibly be. And what’s a better way to do that than by owning as many hotels as possible? “To achieve big things you have to have big dreams.”
  3. Be Honest. The truth eventually always come out, so lying will not help you build an empire! Conrad believed in honesty in all things. If Conrad used lying to get through life, he might have stolen the money that his friends loaned him when the Depression hit, instead he used it to purchase his first property in Cisco, Texas.
  4. Live With Enthusiasm. Take a hold of the day, and be enthusiastic at all times. Conrad Hilton believed that you should live your life laughing, and this was exactly what he did during his lifetime, becoming one of the greatest managers that ever lived while being loved and appreciated by his employees.
  5. Don’t Let Your Possessions Possess You. According to his fifth rule of success, Conrad Hilton didn’t believe much in material things. All his money didn’t take his personality away. Because if you’re preoccupied with material stuff you’ll miss the best things in life, which are free. If you have them, you need to take good care of them, like Conrad did with his hotels.
  6. Don’t Worry About Your Problems. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere. And worrying will definitely decrease your chances of solving a problem. So don’t spend your energy on worrying, use it wisely and have the grit to overcome the situation, like Conrad did during the 1930s. “Worrying has never solved anything yet. Prayer, thought, action – yes. Just worrying, no!” – Conrad Hilton
  7. Look Up To People When You Can, And Down To No One. This rule goes back to what a lot of successful people have said: it’s important to have mentors, and look down to people only when you want to pick them up. Always try to learn from other people regardless of their position in society. That’s what Conrad did with his employees. Even a bag carrier at the hotel can be an asset and a partner, and as a matter of fact Conrad Hilton borrowed $300 from one of his hotel’s bell boys during the Great Depression.
  8. Don’t Cling To The Past. As a man of action, Conrad Hilton always believed in moving forward and pushing towards the future. He lived by his rules in the present but implemented the lessons he learned from the past. This allowed him to look forward and build the Hilton empire.
  9. Assume Your Full Share Of Responsibility In The World. Conrad Hilton, like many other successful people, didn’t believe someone would hand him everything on a silver platter. He believed in working hard for every dollar that he made, and it’s surprising that his grandkids don’t follow through with this rule.
  10. Pray Consistently And Confidently. It doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not, but Conrad believed in having a mission, praying to the higher power and doing it consistently. You have to hope for success and expect it as much as you work for it. Conrad Hilton prayed multiple times every single day and went to church every single week.

Antes de sanar a alguien

Antes de sanar a alguien, pregúntale si está dispuesto a renunciar a aquello que lo enferma.


viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

Cuánta azúcar hay en un Danup

Un Danup de fresa de 250 ml. contiene 32 gramos de azúcar, lo cual representa el 130% de lo que un adulto puede consumir para todo el día.

13 gr./100 ml.

Cuánta azúcar hay en un gansito

Un Gansito Marinela de Bimbo (50 gramos) contiene 21 gramos de azúcar, que corresponde al 80% de la ingesta diaria recomendada para un adulto. Esto es 42 gr. de azúcar en cada 100 gr. de producto.

42 gr./100 gr.

Musings from Onassis

Unlimited Success. October 1970.

  • Take care of your body. I think this means that we have to make sure that we are physically and mentally healthy all the time by living a healthy life. That is, we eat healthy and well-balanced food with fruits and vegetables. Taking care of our body also includes” clean living” that is, we do not engage in vices such as excessive smoking and alcohol drinking. We take care of our body by having sufficient and quality sleep every day.
  • Eat lightly. Eating too much tends to make us sleepy and laggard while doing our work and other things that we prioritize. In this case, we might not be able to finish our tasks on time or they cannot possibly be done efficiently. If you get hungry in the midst of work, you can eat some snacks to satisfy your hunger without sacrificing the quality of your work or tasks at hand.
  • Enjoy friends in the evening. This implies that work is a priority and other necessities to be done during the day. Fun and entertainment can be done after a day’s work because it is also necessary for us to enjoy life at the same time. There must not be dull moments to be able to live a well -balanced life. After all, money is not the only thing that will make us happy.
  • Never talk business while you eat. In a biblical verse, it says, there is a time for everything. Business and personal life should each have their own time to tackle them.
  • Do not sleep too much. Sleeping gives us a chance to take a rest in mind and body. It enables us to have clear thinking and to work more efficiently and productively. However, anything that is excessive is also bad. So, sleeping too much may mean less efficiency and productivity. It can also cause delays on our tasks and projects at hand that we want to accomplish in due time.
  • Keep your troubles to yourself. I think Onassis means that problems are not to be discussed and shared with anybody to keep us from trouble. We should share our problems with our family and trusted friends only. The proverb “Familiarity breeds contempt” is relatable to this particular statement.  We might as well keep our problems to ourselves rather than sharing to other people that may get us more in trouble because of too much closeness and familiarity with others.
  • Exercise and keep yourself trim. We know that exercising keeps us physically fit and prevents us from getting sick. So it is essential that we do some physical activities that will make us stronger with our immune system always ready to fight diseases that we can contract at any time. Keeping a leaner body will also prevent us from being overweight that could trigger heart diseases and the like.
  • Once you have taken care of your physical appearance, establish a successful way. When you are physically healthy, you can achieve every goal or dream you have been thinking of. It is always possible to be successful and reap financial benefits and freedom when you are healthy. On the other hand, when you are sickly, it is harder to achieve your fondest dreams.

Azúcar en una Coca-Cola

Un vaso de Coca-Cola de 250 ml contiene 27 g de azúcar y una lata de 330 ml contiene 35 gramos de azúcar, lo que equivale al 108% y 140% de la ingesta diaria recomendada para un adulto. Esto es, 11 gr. de azúcar en cada 100 ml. de bebida.

11 gr./100 ml.

Sal, azúcar y grasa saturada

La ingesta diaria recomendada (IDR), en gramos, para adultos es de:

Sal:                             5           (sodio: 1,600 mg)
Azúcar:                     25
Grasa saturada:       22

3 claves de los movimientos sociales

The power of habit.

Proceso de tres partes de los movimientos que cambian el mundo:

  1. Un movimiento social comienza debido a los fuertes vínculos entre conocidos cercanos.
  2. Crece debido a los vínculos débiles que mantienen unidos a los grupos sociales a los que pertenecemos. Presión social. 
  3. Perdura porque los líderes dan a los participantes nuevos hábitos que crean un sentido de identidad y propiedad que autoimpulsa el movimiento.

Conoce al futuro ganador según Sun Tzu

Existen cinco maneras de conocer al futuro vencedor, ganan los que:

  1. saben cuándo luchar y cuándo no.
  2. saben discernir cuándo utilizar muchas o pocas tropas.
  3. tienen tropas cuyos rangos superiores o inferiores tienen el mismo propósito.
  4. se enfrentan con preparativos a enemigos desprevenidos.
  5. tienen generales competentes y no están limitados por sus gobiernos.

10 Maximum Freedom Strategies by Aristotle Onassis

Henry Hill

Here are 10 ways Aristotle Onassis structured his business and life for maximum freedom:

  1. Speak multiple languages. This enables you to become a global citizen and do business around the world.
  2. Multiple residencies and citizenships. More freedom than most people have.
  3. Bank globally for maximum freedom. Having multiple bank accounts and assets around the world protects you from turmoil in any one location.
  4. Set up an offshore foundation. Own nothing but control everything. His wealth passed seamlessly to his heirs without being taxed.
  5. Operate global businesses. No one government could put him out of business.
  6. Have multiple citizenships. It could save your life at the right time. 
  7. Change jurisdictions if not treated fairly. If the rules of the jurisdiction you’re operating in don’t treat you fairly, take action to change your situation.
  8. Avoid international conflicts. To achieve maximum freedom it’s wise to get as far away from international conflicts as possible.
  9. Always minimize taxes. Compounding your wealth tax free will ensure you become much wealthier than those subject to high taxes.
  10. Take advantage of opportunities.

Every minute you spend in planning

Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy! Plan, Plan, Plan!

 —Brian Tracy

jueves, 27 de junio de 2024


A PACE plan, or Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency plan, is a communication methodology that helps organizations prepare for backup communication capabilities in unusual situations. It designates the order in which an element will move through available communications systems until contact can be established with the desired distant element. It was originally developed by the U.S. military to ensure reliable communications, but is now used in other industries, such as first responders, public safety agencies, local governments, and enterprises.


  1. Primary. The most effective method of communication and used for everyday comms. These typically include cell phones, landline phones, and internet connections.
  2. Alternate. Effective but slightly less convenient for everyday use. You can use alternate communication technologies alongside primary comms to ensure 24/7 readiness. Blended connectivity helps teams navigate communication challenges by ensuring networks remain active during lapses during critical situations.
  3. Contingency. Going down an additional level, these methods will be slower, more expensive and less convenient than primary or alternate methods. IP Access’s RedPHONE is a phone that offers true off-grid communications. Operates between satellite nodes and is routed over the IP Access SELECT Network.
  4. Emergency. A last resort when primary, alternate and contingency means fail, as they have significant lag times, are expensive, and are more difficult to use. However, IP Access’s SuperGIG technology is an all-in-one connectivity solution that aggregates multiple cellular and satellite networks into a single service. As a result, SuperGIG delivers the highest possible throughput and uninterrupted connectivity for mission-critical communications.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2024

Los primeros 25 pasos que todo candidato inteligente debe dar

Joseph Napolitan.
  1. Toma la decisión final e irrevocable de lanzarte.
  2. Determina la racionalidad y motivos lógicos de tu candidatura.
  3. Pon tu curriculum en orden y no lo maquilles.
  4. Escribe una autobiografía confidencial, para ser conocida por tu equipo de campaña.
  5. Prepara a tu familia y explíqueles los sacrificios y riesgos.
  6. Pon tus negocios en orden, no asumas que podrás ser candidato y CEO de tus negocios simultáneamente.
  7. Revisa cuidadosamente las leyes electorales, particularmente lo relativo al manejo financiero de la campaña.
  8. Aporta o capta un 'capital semilla' para los gastos iniciales.
  9. Busca ayuda profesional, especialmente en lo relativo a encuestas, comunicaciones y estrategia general.
  10. Contrata una encuesta amplia de tipo comparativo (benchmark poll).
  11. Desarrolla una estrategia de captación de recursos.
  12. Revisa y visita tu geografía electoral.
  13. Instrúyete acerca de los asuntos públicos que interesan a tus electores.
  14. Contrata personal para dedicarse expresamente a tu campaña (especialmente un asistente personal y alguien que maneje la agenda).
  15. Instala una oficina de campaña.
  16. Encuentra a un jefe de campaña competente.
  17. Construye un círculo estratégico cerrado, con tus más cercanos colaboradores, para generar discusiones estratégicas y lluvia de ideas.
  18. Desarrolla su mensaje de campaña.
  19. Escribe un plan de campaña.
  20. Desarrolla tu identidad digital y una imagen gráfica (colores, logo, diseños,...).
  21. Determina el cronograma para el período previo al lanzamiento.
  22. Prepara tus mensajes y discursos principales.
  23. Obtén entrenamiento profesional para prepararte para el período de campaña.
  24. Crea una pirámide de contactos (estructura 1X10) y afiánzala mediante una red de comunicaciones por Internet.
  25. Publicita tu lanzamiento.

martes, 25 de junio de 2024

La curva del olvido

Hermann Ebbinghaus. Sobre la memoria. 1885.

  • Retención en función del tiempo transcurrido y la intensidad de lo aprendido.
  • Entre más intenso sea un recuerdo, más tiempo se mantiene.
  • Cuanto más repasemos, mejor lo fijaremos en la memoria.
  • Mejor muchos repasos que un solo estudio intenso.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2024

Plans are worthless, but planning is everything

Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.

Los planes no valen nada, pero la planificación lo es todo.

—Dwight D. Eisenhower.

domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

Ningún plan de batalla sobrevive al primer contacto con el enemigo

Kein Plan überlebt die erste Feindberührung.

Ningún plan de batalla sobrevive al primer contacto con el enemigo.

—Helmuth von Moltke.

sábado, 22 de junio de 2024

20 pasos de Andrés Elías antes de lanzarse

Campañeando. Andrés Elías.

Los 20 primeros pasos que le recomiendo dar a todo candidato inteligente a nivel personal, por lo menos 30 meses antes de la elección.

  1. Tome la decisión final e irrevocable de lanzarse.
  2. Determine la racionalidad y motivos lógicos de su candidatura. Haga de cuenta que estamos en una emisora y respóndame: ¿por qué quiere ser candidato?, ¿qué va a pasar en la vida de la gente si usted es electo?, ¿cuál será el titular un día después de que usted deje el cargo?
  3. Ponga su hoja de vida en orden y nunca mienta en ella.
  4. Prepare a su familia y explíquele los sacrificios y riesgos.
  5. Ponga sus negocios en orden, nunca asuma que podrá ser candidato y llevar simultáneamente sus negocios o trabajo.
  6. Conozca a los competidores, los electores, el candidato, la cuidad. Debe contar con una campaña lo más profesional que pueda, preferiblemente en lo relativo a encuestas, comunicaciones y estrategia general.
  7. Aporte o capte un «capital semilla» para los gastos iniciales y desarrolle una estrategia inicial de captación de recursos.
  8. Construya un círculo estratégico y cerrado, con sus más cercanos colaboradores, para generar discusiones estratégicas y tormentas de ideas internas.
  9. Contrate una encuesta amplia de base antes de iniciar la campaña (benchmark poll). 
  10. Revise cuidadosamente las leyes electorales (particularmente las relacionadas con el calendario, publicidad y aportes e informes de campaña). Esto sirve para sentar las bases de la campaña (18 meses antes de la elección).
  11. Escriba una autobiografía confidencial, para ser conocida por su equipo de campaña.
  12. Obtenga entrenamiento profesional (prueba del discurso, interacción en medios) para prepararse para el período de campaña.
  13. Encuentre a un director, gerente o jefe de campaña, y contrate personal para dedicarse expresamente a su campaña.
  14. Escriba un plan integral de campaña.
  15. Al inicio de la campaña, o bien doce meses antes de la elección, instale una oficina de campaña, ya sea que se trate de una oficina pública o no.
  16. Revise y visite su geografía electoral.
  17. Conozca y entienda los asuntos públicos que interesan a sus electores.
  18. Desarrolle su mensaje de campaña y comience a preparar sus discursos principales.
  19. Desarrolle un sitio en internet y diseñe al mismo tiempo una imagen gráfica (colores, logo, diseños...).
  20. Cree una plataforma digital que administre todos los contactos de campaña (director, redes sociales, eventos, voluntarios, etc.), y afiáncela mediante una red de comunicaciones por internet y con voluntarios.

viernes, 21 de junio de 2024

The Lessons from Black Hawk down

Benjamin Runkle. 2013.

  1. Technology Does Not Guarantee Success.
  2. In Manhunts, the Decisive Terrain is the Human Terrain. Recollect intelligence.
  3. The Importance of Perseverance. Don't give up if you lose a battle.
  4. What Happens in Mogadishu Does Not Stay in Mogadishu. Small wars have large second and third order effects in policy.
  5. Sometimes the Least Bad Option is Good Enough. The good is not the enemy of the perfect.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2024

7 Compromisos de Colosio

Cesáreo Morales y Samuel Palma. 

Los 7 compromisos que asumió Colosio en la VIII Convención Nacional del PRI del 8 de diciembre de 1993:

  1. Garantizar la soberanía y los intereses de México en el mundo.
  2. Transformación democrática de México.
  3. Empleo.
  4. Desarrollo Regional.
  5. Progreso para los que menos tienen.
  6. Educación para el desarrollo y la competencia.
  7. Un nuevo equilibrio en la vida de la República.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2024

The LEARN model

The LEARN Model is the process used by Marriott to switch an angry guest to a satisfied one.

  • Listen. Find out what the real issue is.
  • Empathize. Attempt to recognize the difficulties that your guest has met.
  • Apologize. The only thing a visitor wants to hear is that you're sorry for the problem in the first place.
  • Respond. Make a decision on how you'll deal with the issue.
  • Notify. Keep the consumer updated. Tell them what measures you're taking to resolve the problem.

martes, 18 de junio de 2024

The 12 Steps of AA

  1. Honesty. We admitt that we are powerless over alcohol, that our lives have become unmanageable.  
    • Addicts tend to spend a lot of time denying that they have a problem or believing they can quit whenever they want. The first step towards lasting addiction recovery is admitting you have a problem and are powerless to help yourself.
  2. Hope. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 
    • The second step brings a spiritual slant to addiction recovery. Members have to find faith in a Higher Power or something greater than themselves. You get to define who or what that power is and believe it can help you heal and recover even if you experience setbacks.
  3. Faith. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 
    • The third step encourages members to let go of their egos and put themselves at the mercy of their defined Higher Power. Doing this helps them to rely on something or someone greater than themselves to help them navigate the path to sobriety. 
  4. Courage. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 
    • Step four allows members to perform an honest character and behaviour evaluation, so they can devise strategies to overcome defects that may have contributed to their alcoholism. A personal appraisal takes courage, as members may have to confront some painful and uncomfortable truths about themselves. 
  5. Integrity. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human, being the exact nature of our wrongs. 
    • The individual will have to speak openly about their defects to God, themselves, and another human being. Step 5 seeks to help members grow out of the guilt and shame of addiction so that they can begin to live more honestly.
  6. Willingness. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 
    • Step 6 arises from the belief that one cannot get rid of bad habits that cause addiction without some assistance from a Higher Power. The individual must also be willing to let those defects go without looking back. 
  7. Humility. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 
    • Admit their shortcomings and accept that even their best is not enough to help them overcome addiction. Humility helps members realize that while they are responsible for exercising their free will to make responsible choices, relying humbly on a Higher Power is also a critical component to recovery. Step 7 is about aligning one’s own will with that of one’s own Higher Power. By going to meetings and hearing other peoples’ stories and by honestly trying to connect with one’s own Higher Power, one begins to open channels of intuition that were previously blocked by addiction. Step 7 is reaching to a Higher Power for help to restrain oneself from using one's own will for selfish purposes.
  8. Love. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 
    • Step 8 requires members to write down the name of everyone who has been hurt by the addiction and be willing to make amends. This step is one of the most challenging as you have to come to terms with how much you’ve hurt people and take responsibility for your actions.
  9. Responsibility. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 
    • Step 9 builds on the previous step and involves going to any length to make amends for past mistakes. The individual must be willing to work through the discomfort of opening up to those you’ve hurt with your addiction and trying to repair damaged relationships. 
  10. Discipline. Continued to take personal inventory and, when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. 
    • Addiction recovery is a process, and step 10 helps you come to a point where you can control your actions at every moment. The idea behind this step is that you cultivate the discipline to maintain your progress for the rest of your life.
  11. Spiritual Awareness. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 
    • Step 11 encourages members to remain in touch with a Higher Power (by prayer and meditation), paying attention to inspiration or promptings as a guide for navigating their recovery journey.
  12. Service. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs. 
    • After completing the first 11 steps of the Alcoholics Anonymous program successfully, members are expected to guide other recovering addicts with their experience. Step 12 also involves practising the AA principles in every aspect of your life.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

The LATTE method

The LATTE method is a customer service technique developed by Starbucks to help employees handle customer complaints and difficult situations. The acronym stands for:

  • Listen: Understand the customer's issue.
  • Acknowledge: Verbally confirm the customer's complaint.
  • Thank: Express gratitude to the customer for bringing the issue to your attention.
  • Take action: Resolve the issue.
  • Explain: Explain to the customer why the problem occurred and what was done to resolve the issue.

domingo, 16 de junio de 2024

7 Key Tensions Every Leader Must Balance

Jennifer Jordan

The 7 traditional vs emerging leadership styles.

Tensions to be balance.

  1. Power holder - Power sharer
  2. Tactician - Visionary
  3. Constant - Adapter
  4. Perfectionist - Accelerator
  5. Intuitionist - Analyst
  6. Miner - Prospector
  7. Teller - Listener

How do I know which style to use? It hinges on the situation. Different solutions.

Who in the business world balances styles well? Angela Ahrendts. Matthias Döpfner. 

Do people still need strong leadership? Yes, to guide, provide security, shelter, give some comfort in a rapid changing world.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2024

Las leyes de Mendel

El genotipo es la información genética completa de un organismo, que se transmite de generación en generación. El fenotipo es la expresión física de las características de un organismo, como su morfología, desarrollo o comportamiento.

Primera ley de Mendel: principio de la uniformidad. Si se cruzan dos líneas puras para un determinado carácter (RR y rr), los descendientes de la primera generación serán todos iguales entre sí, fenotípica y genotípicamente, y son iguales fenotípicamente a uno de los progenitores (el de genotipo dominante).


Segunda ley de Mendel: principio de la segregación. En la segunda generación filial, a partir del cruce de dos individuos de la primera generación, se recupera el fenotipo (y el genotipo) del individuo recesivo de la primera generación parental en uno de cada 4 descendientes. 


Tercera ley: Principio de la transmisión independiente. La segregación de los diferentes rasgos hereditarios se da de forma independiente unos de otros, por lo tanto, el patrón de herencia de uno de ellos no afectará al patrón de herencia de otros.

viernes, 14 de junio de 2024

Steps of the 360 review process

  1. Define the key areas. Communication of the goals and objectives of the 360 assessment is part of the process. This includes obtaining various perspectives on identifying an individual’s strengths, areas of opportunity, and “blind spots.” All of these can help promote more self-awareness and result in performance improvement and development. Critical categories of a 360 evaluation to be assessed include teamwork, interpersonal skills, alignment with company vision/mission, communication, and leadership ability.
  2. Selection of reviewers/raters. Select employees who will be evaluated and the raters is a critical step of the 360 evaluation process. There needs to be enough reviewers who engage with the participant/employee to ensure the data received is relevant and comprehensive. Raters may include the employee’s supervisor, co-workers, direct reports, colleagues, contract employees, and even external customers. All individuals involved with the assessment process need to be trained on the various aspects of the process and the goals and objectives of the 360 evaluation.
  3. Administer the survey. First, send a survey to the employees being evaluated so they can self-evaluate. Later in the process, it will be valuable for participants to compare their self-evaluation with the evaluations of others. Next, send the survey to the reviewers and provide ample time for them to complete it, usually one week or more. Reiterate to the reviewers why they are being asked to give feedback and the objective of the assessment.
  4. Compile the completed survey reports. The data needs to be compiled into comprehensive, detailed, and easy-to-understand reports. This report can be shared with the participant, HR, and other stakeholders as needed. The reports are detailed and provide insights to the participants on each area they excel in and areas of opportunity.
  5. Provide feedback. The direct supervisor, HR, or both can facilitate a discussion about the details of the results and discuss the next steps. It’s essential to provide valuable feedback to the participant at this stage. Here are some tips: 
    • Be specific and concrete: Provide specific examples of behavior or performance to illustrate your points.
    • Use a balanced approach: Acknowledge strengths and improvement areas to maintain a balanced perspective.
    • Focus on behavior, not personality: Discuss observable behaviors rather than making judgments about the employee’s personality.
    • Encourage two-way communication: Create a space for dialogue by encouraging the employee to share their perspective.
  6. Develop an action plan. Based on the results, identify and prioritize the key areas for improvement. Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals for each area of improvement. Outline the steps and milestones necessary to achieve these goals. Also, identify the resources and support needed for the employee to meet their goals. This may include training programs, mentorship, coaching, or access to specific tools.

Nueve características de Steve Jobs

  1. Perfeccionismo. Muchos profesionales declaran ser perfeccionistas, pero Jobs rayaba en lo obsesivo. Para el lanzamiento del primer iPod, sus colaboradores de Apple pasaron toda la noche trabajando en el reemplazo de la toma de los auriculares porque él consideraba que no hacían clic en la forma precisa y deseable.
  2. Mente fría. Jobs descartó algunos de los productos que creó porque no les veía futuro. Aun así, no se arrepentía de las decisiones que tomaba. Por ejemplo, canceló la creación del clon del Palm Pilot porque visualizó que los teléfonos con internet móvil se impondrían a las computadoras de bolsillo.
  3. Seleccionar a los mejores. El creador del iPhone siempre se preocupó de elegir a los mejores ejecutivos para que se encargaran de la ejecución de sus proyectos. Para el lanzamiento de las cadenas de tiendas Apple, Jobs reclutó al arquitecto I.M. Pei y a Mickey Drexler, de Gap para que formaran parte del consejo de administración de su empresa.
  4. Equipos pequeños. La obsesión de Jobs se traducía también en la cantidad de colaboradores. Estos grupos debían ser exactos, es decir, 50, 60 o 100, ya que no podía aprenderse más nombres de sus empleados. Si llegaba un nuevo trabajador debía dar de baja a otro.
  5. No basarse sólo en los estudios de mercado. Jobs no creía en estos estudios, decía “la gente no sabe lo que quiere hasta que uno se lo muestra”, por eso, el cofundador de la empresa de la manzana probaba sus propios productos antes de lanzarlos al mercado.
  6. Estudiar los temas. Antes de estrenar un producto, Steve Jobs estudiaba muy bien los folletos comerciales de Apple y, para ello, se fijaba en su competencia directa. También se paseaba con sus productos por las instalaciones de la marca para buscar inspiración.
  7. Simplificar. Los diseños de Apple se basan en la simplificación, por eso, Steve Jobs nunca quiso colocar numerosos botones en el iPod. De ahí surgió la función de desplazamiento.
  8. Carisma. Sólo con su entusiasmo, Steve Jobs lograba motivar a sus empleados a que trabajaran más de lo permitido, pero los hacía felices. Por ejemplo, el personal que diseñó el primer Mac se pasó tres años seguidos trabajando 90 horas semanales para concebir una excelente computadora.
  9. Cuidar los secretos. Los empleados de Jobs deben saber guardar información privilegiada. Incluso, la empresa está organizada en compartimentos cerrados para que ninguno de sus empleados sepa más de lo necesario. Es por eso que los productos de Apple generan tanta expectación entre los consumidores.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2024

7 business lessons from the ‘Black Hawk down’ raid

Chad Storlie

  1. The team is the most important. As the events unfolded from the planned capture mission into multiple rescue missions, street fighting, medical evacuations, and resupply missions, the military personnel realized they were fighting for each other. A SOF mission planning tenant is that “humans are more important than hardware”. The military understands missions cannot be accomplished without personnel, and business needs to learn that employees matter most. In business, it is amazingly easy to focus on revenue, profitability, and stock prices, but Oct. 3, 1993 clearly reminds us that it is employees that need to be an overarching focus for a successful business in periods of crisis.
  2. Stability in success is an illusion. During the prior raids in Mogadishu, the SOF unit had used a well-rehearsed and well-executed combination of helicopter and ground convoy insertion and extraction tactics that performed well. On Oct. 3, 1993, the various militia in Mogadishu used RPGs in a ground-to-air role instead of the traditional ground-to-ground role. This change in how RPGs were used immediately put at risk the heavy reliance on helicopters when two Black Hawks were shot down using RPGs. Businesses need to learn that any stability in their product line, pricing, and customer base can vanish overnight when the competition rapidly adapts.
  3. Building teamwork & relationships before the battle. Prior to the battle, the SOF forces trained together and many had known each other for years. The times before adversity are the most important because it is during the times of quiet that learning occurs, relationships are built, and methods perfected. It was really all the time before the battle that prevented Oct. 3 in Mogadishu from turning into a tragedy. Business needs to realize that during the “good” times, business needs to take a very hard look at products, implement solid employee training programs, value customers, and develop broad product and service lines to begin improving business results before the competition acts.
  4. Difficult training triumphs over adversity. The SOF in the Battle of Mogadishu were Rangers, Special Operations Aviation, the legendary “Delta” Force, and other military units. These groups are some of the most highly-trained military forces in the world. The central point for business (that the military realizes) is that you may never fully know when you will enter your most challenging point, which is why constant, difficult training is vital to success. Business leaders must understand that constant, challenging, up-to-date and difficult training is the only way to remain constantly prepared for challenges that you cannot fully anticipate.
  5. Success in one area does not mean success in another. In 1993, the U.S. military was supreme in the world. It had been a central player in forcing the Soviet Union to abandon communism for democratic reforms. In the Middle East, Operation Desert Storm built a strong coalition that destroyed the regional military power, Iraq, in less than a week of conventional ground combat. The unexpected challenge for the U.S. military in Mogadishu was that the militia forces were an exceptionally effective, and highly untraditional, military force adept at fighting in the dense, confusing urban terrain of a major city. The lesson for business is that just because you are strong in one product category or one market does not mean that you will be strong in others.
  6. Lower level leaders with initiative bring success. Encouraging and developing leaders with initiative is one of the hallmarks of SOF. A great deal of the success that US forces experienced in Mogadishu came from lower level leaders who understood that the initial plan had to be modified, observed what needed to be done, and then took multiple successful actions to ensure that the follow on plan was successful. The lesson for business is that few product launches or new business initiatives succeed exactly according to plan. Business needs to encourage the development of trained, bright, and focused leaders and instill them with a spirit of initiative, so they seek out problems when initial plans fail to deliver success at the end. Initiative is one of the most powerful forces in employees.
  7. Learn, reshape your operations, and prepare for the next fight. Finally, SOF never rest in examining their mistakes and creating new methods, tactics, and equipment to ensure success in the future. The Battle of Mogadishu continues to be relentlessly studied and examined by the very people that fought the battle to improve for the future. 

Oct. 3, 1993 brought about a renewed focus on urban fighting, new medical technology to halt bleeding faster, and renewed focus on fighting as a combined force of air and ground teams working together. Business needs to adopt the military process of an after-action review, or debrief, to learn how to make every operation a study for future improvement. An effective team never rests in their desire to be even greater.

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2024

Nueve beneficios de correr un kilómetro y medio al día


  1. Mejora la salud del corazón. Será más fácil subir varios tramos de escaleras o afrontar una larga caminata. Correr incluso cinco minutos al día puede reducir tu riesgo de infarto y de accidente cerebrovascular en un 45%.
  2. Mantén tus niveles de estrés bajo control. El running como ejercicio ayuda a reducir las hormonas del estrés y al mismo tiempo estimula la producción de endorfinas y endocannabinoides, lo que favorece la relajación y un estado de ánimo positivo. 
  3. Combate la depresión. El running permite que se formen nuevas vías neuronales y que crezca el hipocampo, lo que puede mejorar los síntomas de la depresión. También aumenta la producción de endocannabinoides provocando una sensación de euforia. El ejercicio aumenta los niveles de anandamida en el cuerpo, la misma sustancia química responsable de los efectos del consumo de marihuana.
  4. Mejora el aprendizaje y la memoria. Una rutina habitual de running de intensidad moderada aumenta el tamaño de ciertas regiones del cerebro responsables de la memoria y el pensamiento y también hay efectos inmediatos en el aprendizaje. 
  5. Pierde peso. Verás una pérdida de peso a un ritmo de medio kilo de peso por mes.
  6. Fortalece tus huesos. El ejercicio de alto impacto, como correr, tiene un efecto positivo en la densidad mineral ósea y favorece la fortaleza de los músculos reduciendo el riesgo de lesiones.
  7. Mantiene saludable la presión arterial. El ejercicio dilata los vasos sanguíneos, mejorando el flujo sanguíneo. Correr con frecuencia ayuda a disminuir la presión arterial en reposo, lo que reduce el riesgo de infarto y accidente cerebrovascular.
  8. Equilibra los niveles de colesterol. El running puede aumentar el colesterol de proteínas de alta densidad HDL, al tiempo que estimula las enzimas que ayudan a reducir la cantidad de colesterol LDL.
  9. Reduce el riesgo de cáncer. Los estudios demuestran que el ejercicio aeróbico puede reducir el riesgo de cáncer de vejiga, de mama, de colon, de endometrio, de esófago, de riñón y de estómago.

martes, 11 de junio de 2024

The spartan way

The spartan way. What modern men can learn from ancient warriors. Brett McKay. 2019.

  1. Manhood is a journey. Rites of passage. From boy to young to man. Tresholds. Importance of mentoring: have a mentr, be a mentor. At any age, a spartan knew what was expected of him, and had no doubt where he belonged.
  2. Brotherhood is born in breaking bread. No man wins any battle, of any kind, completely by himself, but rather requires a team of comrades. Brotherhood and fraternity. “In common life, laughter and ridicule were not unfrequent at the public tables; to be able to endure ridicule was considered the mark of a Lacedæmonian spirit.
  3. The mindset and tactics of a battle-ready warrior. There is power in appearance. Always perform a pre-battle ritual. Keep your men busy. If there is no work, make it up. Be both fierce and reverent. Endurance. Mental toughness to bolster physical toughness, and vice versa. Speak (and think and act) laconically. Achieve mastery in your trade. Focus. Habits. The quiet professional. Act like you’ve been there before. 

lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

What are 360 degree reviews?

A 360 evaluation is an assessment of an individual’s performance, development, and potential. The process includes obtaining confidential, anonymous evaluations from the employee’s direct manager and others with whom they regularly interact, such as peers, co-workers, direct reports, upper management, etc. 

It’s important to clarify that 360-degree reviews are not designed to replace or be a substitute for an employee’s annual performance review or ongoing one-on-one performance feedback sessions, which include a manager’s feedback about an employee’s performance related to job expectations or job-specific skills.

A 360 assessment is a coaching and developmental tool that provides broader perspectives to help the manager deliver a comprehensive performance review.

domingo, 9 de junio de 2024


Murph es una rutina creada en memoria del teniente de la Marina Michael Murphy que murió en Afganistán el 28 de junio de 2005. Murph fue publicado por primera vez el 18 de agosto del mismo año y se conmemora el Día de los Caídos, tanto por quienes practican Crossfit como por los SEALs de la Marina.

Completa los siguientes ejercicios:

  • 1,5 kms de carrera
  • 100 dominadas
  • 200 lagartijas
  • 300 sentadillas aéreas
  • 1,5 kms de carrera

...todo con un chaleco de 10 kilos

Este ejercicio era uno de los favoritos de Murphy. Lo había llamado Body Armor aunque fue renombrado como Murph en su honor.

sábado, 8 de junio de 2024

10 Lessons from the Black Hawk Down

Michael Byers

  1. Don't be predictable. Warlords in Mogadishu got acquainted with the MO of the US army, so they were waiting for them as soon as they knew they were coming.
  2. Don't underestimate your adversary. Both soldiers and leaders thought the Somalia guerrilla didn't have the training or the weapons to fight back.
  3. Be prepared for the job. Most soldiers decided to leave part of their gear in the base when they were called for the mission.
  4. Know the battlefield. Commanders and soldiers knew almost nothing about Mogadishu. Nobody had first hand knowledge of city streets.
  5. Assess the people. Commanders never brought to the equation the feelings of the inhabitants. They did not evaluate the hostility of the population.
  6. Have a plan B. No team was pre-assembled to intervene if things went awry. No plan was made if something went wrong.
  7. Never lose sight of your team. Once and again, techs were left behind the lines, and commanders and intelligence lost track of them.
  8. Always keep calm. Once and again reinforcements lacked knowledge of the situation, clear instructions, and material resources to do a proper job due to the lack of serenity and clear thinking of high command.
  9. Ask for help. Don't drown without screaming. Only when the number of casualties became unmanageable did the high command begin to seek assistance from the international force assembled in Somalia.
  10. Encourage your team members. Lower level leaders took the initiative in the face of the catastrophe and save countless lives of their buddies.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2024

7 Signs You're Dealing with a Narcissist

  1. Dominate conversations and crave attention.
  2. Lack of empathy on relationships.
  3. Constant need of admiration.
  4. Deflect blame and avoid taking responsibility.
  5. Subtle yet powerful manipulative tactics.
  6. Isolation tactics to increase control.
  7. Constant criticism of others.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2024

How to Succeed in Life

Andrew Carnegie. The Pittsburgh Bulletin. 19 December 1903.

EVERYBODY WANTS TO PREACH TO THE YOUNG, and tell them to be good and they will be happy. I shall not enter far upon that field, but confine myself to presenting from a business man's standpoint of view, a few rules, which, I believe, lie at the root of business success.
  1. Never enter a bar-room. Do not drink liquor as a beverage. I will not paint the evil of drunkenness, or the moral crime; but I suggest to you that it is low and common to enter a bar-room, unworthy of any self-respecting man, and sure to fasten upon you a taint which will operate to your disadvantage in life, whether you ever become a drunkard or not.
  2. I wish young men would not use tobacco. Not that it is morally wrong, except in so far as it is used in excess and injures health, which the medical faculty declares it does. But the use of tobacco requires young men to withdraw themselves from the society of women to indulge the habit. I think the absence of women from any assembly tends to lower the tone of that assembly. The habit of smoking tends to carry young men into the society of men whom it is not desirable that they should choose as their intimate associates. The practice of chewing tobacco was once common. Now it is considered offensive. I believe the race is soon to take another step forward, and that the coming man is to consider smoking as offensive as chewing was formally considered. As it is practically abandoned now, so I believe smoking will be.
  3. Having entered upon work, continue in that line of work. Fight it out on that line (except in extreme cases), for it matters little what avenue a young man finds first. Success can be attained in any branch of human labor. There is always room at the top in every pursuit. Concentrate all your thought and energy upon the performance of your duties. Put all your eggs into one basket and then watch that basket, do not scatter your shot. The man who is director in a half dozen railroads and three or four manufacturing companies, or who tries at one and the same time to work a farm, a factory, a line of street cars, a political party and a store, rarely amounts to much. He may be concerned in the management of more than one business enterprise, but they should all be of the one kind, which he understands. The great successes of life are made by concentration.
  4. Go above and beyond your responsibilities. Do not think a man has done his full duty when he has performed the work assigned him. A man will never rise if he does only this. Promotion comes from exceptional work. A man must discover where his employer's interests can be served beyond the range of the special work allotted to him; and whenever he sees his employer's interests suffer, or wherever the latter's interests can be promoted, tell him so. Differ from your employers upon what you think his mistakes. You will never make much of a success if you do not learn the needs and opportunities of your own branch much better than your employer can possibly do. You have been told to "obey orders if you break owners." Do no such foolish thing. If your employer starts upon a course which you think will prove injurious, tell him so, protest, give your reasons, and stand to them unless convinced you are wrong. It is the young man who does this, that capital wants for a partner or for a son-in-law.
  5. Whatever your wages are, save a little. Live within your means. The heads of stores, farms, banks, lawyers' offices, physicians' offices, insurance companies, mills and factories are not seeking capital; they are seeking brains and business habits. The man who saves a little from his income has given the surest indication of the qualities which every employer is seeking for.
  6. Never gamble, never speculate. Never buy or sell grain or stocks upon a margin. If you have savings, invest them in solid securities, lands or property. The man who gambles upon the exchanges is in the condition of the man who gambles at the gaming table. He rarely, if ever, makes a permanent success. His judgment goes; his faculties are snapped; and his end, as a rule, is nervous prostration after an unworthy and useless life.
  7. Always rely on yourself. If you ever enter business for yourself, never indorse for others. It is dishonest. All your resources and all your credit are the sacred property of the men who have trusted you; and until you have surplus cash and owe no man, it is dishonest to give your name as an indorser to others. Give the cash you can spare, if you wish, to help a friend. Your name is too sacred to give.
Do not make riches, but usefulness, your first aim; and let your chief pride be that your daily occupation is in the line of progress and development; that your work, in whatever capacity it may be, is useful work, honestly conducted, and as such ennobling to your life.

To sum up, do not drink, do not smoke, do not indorse, do not speculate. Concentrate, perform more than your prescribed duties; be strictly honest in word and deed. And may all who read these words be just as happy and prosperous and long lived as I wish them all to be. And let this great fact always cheer them: It is impossible for any one to be cheated out of an honorable career unless he cheats himself.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2024

S.A.S. Modified Fitness Test

  • Press Ups. +45 reps 
  • Sit-Ups. +45 reps
  • 1.5-mile run. Under 09:30 min
  • Water Entry. Jump from a 10-meter tower
  • 25-meter water swim. 3 Meter water entry in full kit + Swim in uniform and weapon
  • 200 m swim. Tread Water for 5 min + Swim in uniform
  • Dive Test. Underwater Swim + Object Retrieval
  • 8 Mile Hill Run. In less than 60 minutes

martes, 4 de junio de 2024

Decálogo Buffett

  1. Invierte a largo plazo. Sé paciente. Si alguien está sentado a la sombra hoy es porque otro plantó un árbol hace mucho tiempo. Pensar en un horizonte de varias décadas y huir de ganancias rápidas.
  2. Nunca inviertas en un negocio que no entiendes. Aprender a gestionar el dinero y tener conocimiento acerca del activo elegido. Limita la exposición y minimiza riesgos. 
  3. Evita endeudarte. Préstamos adictivos que terminan generando problemas en el futuro. Si eres inteligente, vas a hacer mucho dinero sin pedir prestado. 
  4. Invierte en ti mismo. Cualquier cosa para mejorar tu talento y ser más valioso, lo recuperas multiplicado por diez.
  5. Cuida tu estilo de vida. Es bastante común que cuanto más dinero se tiene, aumente el estilo de vida de manera exponencial. Vida austera. 
  6. Usa dinero en efectivo. No salgas de casa sin efectivo. Depender menos de la tarjeta ayuda a gastar menos. 
  7. Compra algo caro a bajo precio. El precio es lo que pagas y el valor lo que obtienes. Compra mercancía de calidad cuando está rebajada.
  8. Rodéate de gente que te aporte. Cásate con alguien que inspire y contagie buena energía. Asóciate con personas que son el tipo de persona que te gustaría ser.
  9. Saber invertir en tiempos de inflación. Los mejores negocios durante la inflación son los que se compran una vez y luego no hay que seguir haciendo inversiones de capital posteriormente. 
  10. Mantén el rumbo. Mantén la serenidad en todo momento.