martes, 31 de octubre de 2023

Helium 10


JungleScout. Recomendada por Manu Velez

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Dickey Chapelle under fire

...a reminder (in war) of the randomness of who dies and who survives. —Jackie Spinner.

You can do anything you want to do if you want to do it so badly you’ll give up everything else to do it. —Dickey Chapelle, cited by Roberta Ostroff in Fire in the Wind.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve seen with your eyes. If you can’t prove it with a picture, it didn’t happen. —Tony Chapelle.

Good correspondents are created out of the simple compulsion to go see for themselves what is happening... And then, of course, to tell. —Dickey Chapelle.

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023

L27. Productividad

Juan Carlos Barrios.


  1. Autodisciplina. Fortalece tu voluntad, y ...
  2. Utiliza herramientas. Anótalo en tu agenda. Crea tu ritual. 
  3. Pide ayuda. Wingman. Grupos.
Matriz (Me gusta/Me conviene)
  1. Zona de mediocridad. Aprender a decir NO a las cosas que nos gustan pero no nos convienen.
  2. Zona de crecimiento. Pagar el precio.
  • Ley del 80/20. El 80% de tus resultados provienen del 20% de las acciones. Elige las tres fundamentales. Tu calabaza gigante.
  • Decluttering. Qué puedo eliminar. Qué puedo delegar.

P09. Las 7 fuerzas de un negocio digital exitoso.


  1. Desarrollo personal. Agrégate valor para que puedas agregarle valor a los demás. El nivel de tu negocio siempre será menor o igual al nivel de tu desarrollo personal.
    • ¿Cuánto valor le he dado a mi crecimiento personal?
    • ¿Entiendes por qué es necesario estar inviertiendo en ti constantemente?
    • ¿Cómo vas a tratar tu crecimiento a partir de ahora?
    • ¿Cómo puedo agregar mucho más valor a las personas?
    • ¿Cómo hago llegar ese valor a cada vez más personas?
  2. Branding. Relación de valor que generas con las personas donde te posicionas como figura de autoridad.
    1. Autoridad.
    2. Congruencia.
    3. Agradabilidad.
    4. Vulnerabilidad.
    5. Honestidad.
    6. Transparencia.
    7. Contenido digital.
      1. Claridad.
      2. Cantidad.
      3. Calidad.
      4. Constancia.
    • Crea un podcast (anchor)
    • Youtube (usas el audio del video en el podcast)
    • Instagram (usas snippets en redes de microvideo)
  3. Marketing.
  4. Confirmación.
  5. Oferta.
  6. Seguimiento.
Cuello de botella.

Alinear las fuerzas.

P10. Telemarketing

Interésate genuinamente por las personas. Constructores de relaciones de valor. Intencional en la calidad de la comunicación con la persona. Claridad en la forma en que puedes ayudar a esa persona. Proceso de valor. Comunicar muy bien la transformación. Hacer al prospecto consciente de su necesidad de transformación. Empatar lo que quiere con lo que necesita.

Storytelling. El testimonio como forma de convencimiento. Bullet points.

  • Quién soy.
  • Mi viaje.
  • Mi resultado. 
  • Conectar. Bull statement. 
  • Generar certeza.
  • Claridad.


  1. Control sobre tus emociones. Tú no eres tus emociones. Mantén tu enfoque, tu energía.
  2. Tus actos tienen trascendencia. Construyes más allá de tus actos. Elige el significado más elevado.
  3. Acción enfocada masiva y constante. Enfoque claro, unficado, individual hacia un solo objetivo.
Tips de comunicación:
  1. Habla de manera clara y correcta.
  2. Modula tu voz.
  3. Sonríe aunque no se vea tu rostro.
  4. Relájate y haz la llamada con positividad.
  5. Interactúa con los prospectos positivos.
  6. No te detengas con los prospectos negativos.
  7. Edificación de la experiencia, de los conferencistas, de la empresa.
  8. Upfront contract. Adelanta lo que vendrá (la oferta para un programa).
  9. Busca la confirmación.

P05. Movimiento

Pereza. Estado emocional, pero también social y de contexto. Cuál es la principal idea que provoca la pereza. Hacer conciente esa idea. Vencer a través de la conciencia las razones y las historias que justifican la pereza.

Los 7 enanos:

  1. Dormilón. Primero descansa.
  2. Doc. Tiene todas las respuestas.
  3. Gruñón. Queja constante.
  4. Tímido. Comodidad de la timidez.
  5. Tontín. Ignorancia como escudo.
  6. Estornudón. Falta de capacidad como pretexto.
  7. Feliz. Vida solo hay una. Disfruta.
Pasos para salir del estancamiento:

  1. Toma acción. Masiva, enfocada y constante. Empieza generando proximidad.
  2. Hora de poder. Dedica un lapso al día para dedicarlo a crecer.
  3. Umbral de decisión. Ese acontecimiento que te hace cruzar el límite y que te pone en acción.
    • ¿Por qué estoy harto de este estancamiento? 
    • ¿A dónde me llevará este estado? 
    • ¿Cuál es el costo de oportunidad de este estado que quiero cambiar?
  4. Diario haz pequeñas cosas de manera extraordinaria.
  5. Tu autosugestión. 
    • "Yo soy...", ¿Qué persona quieres ser?
    • "Yo estoy..."
  6. Tu nivel de energía. Mantén un nivel de intensidad elevado. Alimentación. Ejercicio. Motivación. Pensamientos.

P04. Decisiones

Tomar acción:

  1. Resultados. 
    • Costos. 
    • Beneficios. 
  2. Para qué. 
  3. Estrategia.
Los 7 niveles de para qué quiero esos resultados:

  • Nivel 1. Supervivencia.
  • Nivel 2. Relaciones.
  • Nivel 3. Autoestima.
  • Nivel 4. Transformación.
  • Nivel 5. Cohesión interna.
  • Nivel 6. Contribución.
  • Nivel 7. Servicio. Aquí las personas se conectan con un propósito mayor. Es pensar en actuar por el bien mayor, no sólo por un interés particular.

El precio a pagar. 

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2023

Phoenix 03. Unlocking your potential

Atributos innatos + (Atributos adquiridos x Actitud) = Potencial humano

Cambia tu actitud, cambia tus expectativas. Creencias y valores. Concepto propio y su conocimiento. Ajusta tu concepto propio. Incrementa tu concepto propio.

Concepto propio:

  1. Self ideal. La persona que deseas ser.
  2. Self image. Lo que piensas de ti mismo. Espejo interno.
  3. Self esteem. Como te sientes contigo mismo. Cuánto te agradas a ti mismo. El motor. Me agrada mi persona.

Concéntrate en el futuro, no en el pasado. El foco es en las acciones, no en las personas. Respeto. No crítica constructiva.

X03. Mirror

“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.” —DENIS WAITLEY.

You must see value in yourself to add value to yourself. Cycle of value. Self-Esteem Is the Single Most Significant Key to a Person’s Behavior. 

How well you lead, how well you succeed.

Lift the lid of your self image. It's impossible to consistently behave in a way that it is inconsistent of how I see myself. No factor is more important in people’s psychological development and motivation than the value judgments they make about themselves. Every aspect of their lives is impacted by the way they see themselves. People are never able to outperform their self-image.

Always move to the level of your self image. My self image is the line of my behavior. How we see ourselves determine how we invest in ourselves. You sponsor you.

Steps to Build Your Self-Image:

  1. Guard your self talk. The most important conversation every day is the one with yourself. Encourage yourself.
  2. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. Your mission is to become better today than you were yesterday.
  3. Move Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs. Identify a limiting belief that you want to change. Determine how the belief limits you. Decide how you want to be, act, or feel. Create a turnaround statement that affirms or gives you permission to be, act, or feel this new way. Repeat that statement once and again.
  4. Add value to others. It’s hard to feel bad about yourself when you’re doing something good for someone else. Lose yourself to communicate to others, to find others.
  5. Do the right thing, even if it is the hard thing. Every time you take action that builds your character, you become stronger as a person. Good character decisions increase your self image more than any other kind of decisions in your life.
  6. Practice a Small Discipline Daily in a Specific Area of Your Life. If there is an area in your life that seems overwhelming try chipping away at it a little bit every day. Discipline is a morale builder. 
  7. Celebrate Small Victories. Everyday get a win on your belt. Take a break to celebrate. If nothing is ever good enough, you can lose heart. Celebrating encourages you. It helps to inspire you to keep going.
  8. Embrace a Positive Vision for Your Life Based on What You Value. If you tap into what you value and try to see what could be, it can inspire you to take positive action.
  9. Practice the One-Word Strategy. Highlight one word to describe you. A word that help you go in the right direction.
  10. Take Responsibility for Your Life. Have a plan and purpose for your life.
  11. Be prepared. Be prepared. 
We see others, no as they are, but as we are.

The Paradoxical Commandments

Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. 

Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.

Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.

Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.

Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas

can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.

Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.

Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.

Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.

Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.

Give the world the best you have anyway.

sábado, 28 de octubre de 2023

5 ingredients to be an extraordinary photographer

Wear Good Shoes. Advice from Magnum Photographers. 2017.

01 Learn

“Give it all you’ve got for at least five years and then decide if you’ve got what it takes. Too many great talents give up at the very beginning; the great black hole looming after the comfortable academy years is the number one killer of future talent.”

—Carl De Keyzer

“My advice to photographers is to get out there in the field and take photographs. Finish your course, learn as many languages as possible, go to movies, read books, visit museums, broaden your mind.”

—Martine Franck

Work everyday even without assignments or money –work, work, work to discipline yourself and not for editors or awards. Collaborate with people who are not necessarily photographers but people you admire. The key word to learn is participation!”

—Alex Majoli

“Try everything. Photojournalism, fashion, portraiture, nudes, whatever. You won’t know what kind of photographer you are until you try it. If in your heart you want to take pictures of kitties, take pictures of kitties.”

—Alec Soth

“Photograph things in the way you feel is right, not the way you think you ought to.”

—Chris Steele-Perkins

“Study the works of the greatest photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson and Andre Kertesz. Try to travel to many parts of the world and understand what a diverse world we live in.”

—Hiroji Kubota

“Time… It’s all about time. You need lots of it. If you can afford this most cherished commodity, then you will be well on your way. Apart from that, good shoes, a degree of empathy, optimism and lots of spare batteries.”

—Matt Stuart


02 Vision & Voice

“Be yourself and look outside of yourself.”

—Larry Towell

“Be yourself, get up early and don’t try too hard, as whatever is trying to come out will come eventually without any effort. Learn to trust your instincts and don’t worry about what others will think or about the process too much. Work hard but enjoy it.”

—Peter Marlow

“Always be critical, question the conventions of the medium, and reflect on your own position and intentions as an artist.”

—Max Pinckers

“Forget about the profession of being a photographer. First be a photographer and maybe the profession will come after. Make the pictures you feel compelled to make and perhaps that will lead to a career. But if you try to make the career first, you will just make shitty pictures that you don’t care about.”

—Christopher Anderson

“Be yourself. Don’t copy anybody.”

—Harry Gruyaert


03 Passion

“Try to live something intense –at home, abroad, it does not matter. It has to be passionate. And once you know the basics forget about photography.”

—Thomas Dworzak

“Find something you are passionate about and shoot your way through this obsession with elegance and you will have a potentially great project.”

—Martin Parr

“Dig in, follow your instincts and trust your curiosity.”

—Susan Meiselas


04 Consistency

“If you want to be a photographer, you have to photograph. Find a particular place or subject and then dig deep into it and carve out something that is special. That takes a lot of dedication, passion and work.”

—Steve McCurry

“Stick to one project for a long time. And keep working on it through many stages of learning, even if it might feel finished. It’s the only way to break through what I think are some vital lessons that need to be learnt about story telling and how to combine images.”

—Mikhael Subotzky


05 Risk

“Throw yourself off a cliff. Photography is a language. Think about what you want to talk about. What are you interested in? What questions do you want to ask? Then go for it, and throw yourself into talking about that topic, using photography. Make a body of work about that.” 

—Jonas Bendiksen

“Make your own mistakes. You need to have your own experience and nobody else can really tell you what to do.” 

—Sohrab Hura

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

MKS02. Master Mind Principle

Mastermind. Two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose. It is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, the capital of other people to carry out your own plans in life.


  1. Decide what you wish to be doing during the next three years.
  2. Decide how much money you desire to be making and what are you going to do to earn it.
  3. Form a master mind alliance with at least one person.

Control your mental attitude and make yourself friendly and agreeable with everyone with whom you are closely associated to obtain cooperation in return. Indifference avoid the formation of a master mind. A negative mental attitude will bring you failure.

You can fully control your mental attitude. Your only real limitation is the one you accept and set up in your own mind.

MKS01. Definiteness of Purpose

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve. All success begins with definiteness of purpose. 

Take possession of your mind and direct it.


  1. Sound health
  2. Peace of mind
  3. Labor of love
  4. Freedom for fear and worry
  5. Positive mental attitude
  6. Material richness


  1. Ill health
  2. Fear and worry
  3. Indecision and doubt
  4. Frustration an discouragement
  5. Poverty and want
  6. Envy, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred and superstition
  1. Write your major desire in life. Thing, circumstance or position. 
  2. Write down the price you are ready to pay.
  3. Memorize both of your statements.
  4. Repeat them through your day with an expression of gratitude.

Daily Goal List

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. —Helmuth von Moltke.

Plans are nothing; planning is everything. —Dwight D. Eisenhower.


  1. Take out a clean sheet of paper and at the top of the page write the word “Goals” with today’s date. 
  2. Make a list of at least 10 goals that you want to accomplish within the middle term. Write the goals in present, positive, imperative way, such as, “I weigh X number of pounds,” or “I earn X number of dollars this year.”
  3. Repeat the following day without looking at your previous list.
  4. Periods: 10 days, 30 days, 12 months.

  • Think of 3 action steps that you can take immediately to achieve that goal and write them immediately underneath.

Every week:

Identify your Major Definite Purpose. Read through your list of goals and select the one that answers this question: What one goal on this list, if I accomplished it, would have the greatest possible impact on my life? 

Apply the next 12-step goal-setting process with the goal you have selected. 

    1. Write this goal on a separate sheet of paper.
    2. Ask yourself if you really want it.
    3. Believe that your goal is achievable.
    4. Set deadlines. 
    5. Write out a list of reasons you want to achieve this goal.  
    6. Identify the obstacles that stand between you and the attainment of this goal.  
    7. Identify the knowledge and the skills you will need to achieve the goal.  
    8. Identify the people whose cooperation and support you’ll need.  
    9. Make a plan to accomplish this goal.  
    10. Take action on your plan and do something every day that moves you toward your goal.  
    11. Visualize your goal continually as if you had already achieved it, and 
    12. Resolve that you will never give up until you are successful.

Morning Routine

First hours of the days set the tone for the rest of the day.

  1. Plan your day the night before. 1 minute in planning saves 10 minutes in execution. Set priorities. What task is the most important. Proceed in that way up to the 7 most important tasks.
  2. Get up two hours before your first appointment.
  3. Meditate. Mindfulness. Set your mind for the rest of the day.
  4. Set your goals. Everyday write down your 10 goals to reach in the middle term. 
  5. Stretch and exercise. When your energy is high. Pump your body.
  6. Make your bed. Start your day with a task completed.
  7. Avoid e-distractions the first hours of the day (emails, whatsapp, etc.) Establish an hour well advanced the day to start checking your electronics.
  8. Eat your breakfast. 
  9. Read. When your mind is clear.

The original rules

I've compiled these rules during many years in the military, in less than permissive environments, and while playing hard in the mountains. Maybe as a guide for the long run.

Initially they were only 12 rules, the Original 12 as I call them. I took concepts and ideas that I learned and simplified them. I also borrowed from other people that passed knowledge to me and incorporated them into the rules. It all started with a half-joke comment: When in doubt, Red Team it.

Based on the idea behind the Moscow Rules, the Original 12 lasted a few years, then I started adding more as I became older and gained experience.


  • Rule 1: Always have an escape plan
  • Rule 2: Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Rule 3: Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
  • Rule 4: Always have a backup plan.
  • Rule 5: Never get caught.
  • Rule 6: Keep your mouth shut.
  • Rule 7: KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.
  • Rule 8: Simple and light equals freedom, agility and mobility.
  • Rule 9: Plan, execute and vanish.
  • Rule 10: You don’t have to like it-you just have to do it.
  • Rule 11: Always invest in good quality stuff.
  • Rule 12: Trust your gut.

G01. The 30-Day Growth Plan

  1. Make a commitment to intentionally grow. Start growing on purpose.
  2. Make that commitment public. A private commitment is worthless. A shared commitment becomes a strong commitment.
  3. Identify the areas you want to grow in specifically. At least two nd no more than five. An area of choice and an area of skill.
  4. Invest one hour a day in those two areas. Including sundays. Preparation, practice, reflection.
  5. Invest one hour a week in reflection and writing what you are learning.
  6. Share your growth with someone. If they are happy, keep sharing. If they are not, start moving.
If you keep intentional in your growth, you will outgrow everybody else.

Standing orders of the rangers creed

Not for the weak or fainthearted
  1. Don't forget nothing.
  2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder and ball, and be ready to march at a minute's warning.
  3. When you're on the march, act the way you would if you was sneaking up on a deer. See the enemy first.
  4. Tell the truth about what you see and do. There is an army depending on us for correct information. You can lie all you please when you tell other folks about the Rangers, but don't never lie to a Ranger or officer.
  5. Don't never take a chance you don't have to.
  6. When we're on the march we march single file, far enough apart so one shot can't go through two men.
  7. If we strike swamps, or soft ground, we spread out abreast, so it's hard to track us.
  8. When we march, we keep moving 'til dark, so as to give the enemy the least possible chance at us.
  9. When we camp, half the party stays awake while the other half sleeps.
  10. If we take prisoners, we keep 'em separate 'til we have had time to examine them, so they can't cook up a story between 'em.
  11. Don't ever march home the same way. Take a different route so you won't be ambushed.
  12. No matter whether we travel in big parties or little ones, each party has to keep a scout 20 yards ahead, twenty yards on each flank and twenty yards in the rear, so the main body can't be surprised and wiped out.
  13. Every night you'll be told where to meet if surrounded by a superior force.
  14. Don't sit down to eat without posting sentries.
  15. Don't sleep beyond dawn. Dawn's when the French and Indians attack.
  16. Don't cross a river by a regular ford.
  17. If somebody's trailing you, make a circle, come back onto your own tracks, and ambush the folks that aim to ambush you.
  18. Don't stand up when the enemy's coming against you. Kneel down. Hide behind a tree.
  19. Let the enemy come 'till he's almost close enough to touch. Then let him have it and jump out and finish him up with your hatchet.
  20. Don't use your musket if you can kill 'em with your hatchet.

MB04. Leveraging your Network


  • Identify your Raving Fans. 
  • Deliver a random act of appreciation. 
  • Assess how you can leverage your network of relationships.

How to Ask for Help.

  1. Just a conversation.
  2. Be clear about what you want.
  3. Ask for brainstorm. Coaching.
  4. Invite them to a coffee.

Relationships Matter.

  • Mentors. Provide valuable advice and guidance on career and business.
  • Sponsors. Senior enough to be able to pluck them out and place them into a new opportunity. 
  • Supporters. Pluck you out and advocate for you. Pick you up when you are down. Provide insights and feedback that help you be successful.
  • Fans. They can expand your branding. Boast your confidence. 

Empower your supporters.

Case Study.

  1. Getting back to success starts by working on your self to make sure you’re the best you can be.
  2. Couple that with reaching out to engage with others in your network. No one succeeds alone.
  3. Take constructive action, no matter how small it is, beats waiting and wondering.

14 Step Goal Setting Guide

Make a plan to achieve what you really want. The primary reason for failure is that people do not develop new plans to replace those plans that didn’t work.

  1. Decide exactly what you want in every key area of your life. Income. Family. Health. Etc. Apply the Three Goal Method. Write down your three most important goals in life. 
  2. Write it down. Your goals must be in writing. Clear, specific, detailed and measurable.
  3. Set a deadline. As a forcing system.
  4. Identify the obstacles that you will have to overcome. The Theory of Constraints: Identify your limiting factors. The 80/20 Rule: 80% of your constraints are inside you.
  5. Identify the knowledge, information and skills you will need to achieve your goal. Especially those you will have to develop to be in the top 10% of your field.
  6. Identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your goal. What’s in it for them? give instead of get.
  7. Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal. Obstacles, knowledge, skills, people. Every step and new element.
  8. Organize your list into a plan. Sequence and priority. 80/20. (0% of your results come from the 20% of your activities.
  9. Plan. 
    • Plan each day, week and month in advance.
    • Plan each month at the beginning of the month.
    • Plan each week the weekend before.
    • Plan each day the evening before.
  10. Select your number one, most important task for each day. If I could only do one thing on this list, which one activity is most important? List your seven most important tasks. The rule is that each minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution.
  11. Develop the habit of self-discipline. Complete your tasks.
  12. Practice visualization on your goals. 
  13. Goal-Setting Exercise. Discipline yourself to write out at least 10 goals that you would like to accomplish in the next year, or in the foreseeable future. Using the word I, describe your goals in the present tense, positive and imperative, as though they had already been achieved.
  14. Decide upon your major definite purpose. The top one.
Never give up, no matter what.

jueves, 26 de octubre de 2023

Phoenix 02. Las 7 leyes mentales

  1. Ley del control. Bienestar directamente proporcional al control de cada aspecto de mi vida.
  2. Ley del accidente. Fallar en planear es planear en fallar. 80% de las personas.
  3. Ley de causa y efecto. Pensamientos son causas y las condiciones son efectos.
  4. Ley de la creencia. El pensamiento dicta tu realidad. Escatoma, punto débil.
  5. Ley de la expectativa. Lo que se espera se consigue.
    • De los padres
    • Del jefe
    • De otros
    • De sí mismo
  6. Ley de la atracción. Vibración. Radiación.
  7. Ley de la correspondencia. Como es adentro es afuera. El mundo exterior es espejo del interior.
Nos convertimos en lo que pensamos. Todas las causas son mentales. 

Phoenix 01. La psicología del éxito.

  • 38% de las personas preferirían estar casadas con otra persona
  • 84% personas son subempleadas
  • 80% preferirían estar haciendo algo más
  • 8% de lo ganado en ahorros tras el retiro 
  • 1% se enriquece
  • 5% se independiza
  • 15% con ahorros
  • 80% depende de alguien más

7 ingredientes para el éxito:

  1. Paz mental. Libertad del temor, del estrés, de la carencia, de las culpas.
  2. Salud y energía. 80% de enfermedades por falta de paz mental.
  3. Relaciones amorosas. 85% del éxito. ¿Cuánto se ríe con otra persona?
  4. Libertad financiera. Don't worry.
  5. Metas e ideales valiosos. Significado y propósito. 
  6. Autoconocimiento y comprensión.
  7. Cumplimiento personal. Camino en la dirección correcta.
Comprensión x Esfuerzo = Resultados

W01. Encuesta y grupo de enfoque

Conocer el terreno.

  1. Métodos cuantitativos.
  2. Métodos cualitativos.
  3. Hay diferencias entre métodos.


  1. Lograr objetividad, validez y confiabilidad.
  2. Empezar con la estadística disponible (INEGI, gobiernos, archivo, etc.).
  3. Hipótesis.
  4. Definir la muestra.
  5. Definir el cuestionario.
    • Preguntas obligatorias
    • Preguntas cerradas. Poner pocas opciones.
    • Preguntas abiertas. Necesaria buena codificación.
    • Número de preguntas. Cuántas para medir la variable.
  6. Piloto.
    • Las preguntas se entienden.
    • Las respuestas son viables.
    • Los encuestadores entienden su papel.
  7. Versión fnal.
  8. Aplicación.
    • Ruta de levantamiento. 
    • Equipo de encuestadores.
    • Capacitaciones.
  9. Manejo de datos.
    • Captura de datos
    • Depuración y cotejo de datos
    • Uso de programas estadísticos
  10. Análisis y reporte.
Grupo de enfoque.

  1. 6-10 casos por grupo de población. 
    • Invitados
    • Moderador
  2. 3-6 grupos.
  3. Número de sesiones
  4. Ejecución
    • Lugar
    • Ambiente
    • Agenda
  5. Datos obtenidos
    • Temas. Propuestos, autopropuestos.
    • Respuestas
    • Observaciones
    • Conclusiones
  6. Análisis y reporte.

X02. Awareness

You must know yourself to grow yourself. your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and opportunities. No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself. Deal with your issues. Reality has to be the foundations of your dreams. Reality requires awareness. 

Three kinds of people.

  1. People Who Don’t Know What They Would Like to Do. Confused.
  2. People Who Know What They Would Like to Do But Don’t Do It. Frustrated.
  3. People Who Know What They Would Like to Do and Do It. Fulfilled.

People are not realistic about themselves. 

  1. Counseling, dealing with weaknesses.
  2. Equipping, dealing with strengths.

How to Find Your Passion and Purpose.

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. 

    Awareness questions to get on track. 

    1. Do you like what you are doing now? 
    • If you’re not enjoying what you do for a living, you need to take some time to examine why. Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions. It's very difficult to be fulfilled in life when you have left your heart. There is a direct relation between following your passion and reaching your potential.
    2. What would you like to do? 
    • Your passion gives you the E&E factor: energy and excellence. Listen to your heart. Pay attention to what you love doing. Never leave something, always go to something.
    3. Can you do what you like to do? 
    • And are you good at it? If you are not good, make it your hobby, not your career. Giftedness trumps passion everyday. Believe + giftedness. You must have some kind of criteria for knowing if the desire you have matches the abilities you possess. Put your dream to the test. If you can believe it, you can achieve it: wrong. Discover your uniqueness; then discipline yourself to develop it.
    4. Do You Know Why You Want to Do What You Would Like to Do?
    • Knowing gives you inner strength when things go wrong. “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” 
    5. Do You Know What to Do So You Can Do What You Want to Do?
    • Write out what steps you need to take to go where you desire to go, to do what you want to do. Make them as tangible as possible. Action. Accountability. Attraction.
    6. Do you know people who do what you like to do? 
    • Whose advice can you get to help you along the way? Find people who do what you want to do with excellence. You have to get to those people. Proximity. Always ask, who yo know that I should know? 
    • Get committed. Pay people for their time if necessary.
    • Be consistent. Meet purposefully every month with someone who can teach you.
    • Be creative. Start with their books if you can’t meet them in person.
    • Be purposeful. Spend two hours in preparation for every hour of interaction.
    • Be reflective. Spend two hours in reflection for every hour of interaction.
    • Be grateful. These people are gifts to your personal growth; be sure to let them know.
    7. Should You Do What You’d Like to Do with Them?
    • Every person who can help you is not necessarily the right person to help you. You must pick and choose.
    8. Will you pay the price to do what you want to do? 
    • What will it cost you in time, resources, and sacrifices? The great separator. Almost always when people stop growing is a price problem. Dream is free, journey is not. I got to the top the hard way—fighting my own laziness and ignorance every step of the way. People don't make changes unless it cost them something. 
    9. When can you start doing what you like to do? 
    • You can start now. Begin before you are ready. Nobody ever got ready by waiting. You only get ready by starting. The greatest story ever told.
    10. What Will It Be Like When You Get to Do What You’d Like to Do?
    • It will be different. It will be more difficult. It will be better.

    The only person that can write your story is you. 

    miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

    All the rules

    Here's the complete list of rules. The list was getting too long, so I simplified it in the 12 rules above.

    • Rule 0: Always double-tap
    • Rule 1: Always have an escape plan.
    • Rule 2: Be aware of your surroundings.
    • Rule 3: Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
    • Rule 4: Always have a backup plan.
    • Rule 5: Never get caught.
    • Rule 6: Keep your mouth shut.
    • Rule 7: KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.
    • Rule 8: 7 Ps: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
    • Rule 9: Plan, execute and vanish.
    • Rule 10: Always invest in good quality.
    • Rule 11: Trust your gut.
    • Rule 12: Always carry a knife.
    • Rule 13: Do one thing at a time.
    • Rule 14: Pick your battles…
    • Rule 15: Simple and light equals freedom, agility and mobility.
    • Rule 16: Target dictates the weapon and the weapon dictates the movement. ("Mack" Machowicz)
    • Rule 17: Use ACTE: assess the situation; create a simple plan; take action and evaluate your progress. ("Mack" Machowicz)
    • Rule 18: Don’t believe what you’re told. Double check.
    • Rule 19: Hide in plain sight. Blend in.
    • Rule 20: Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.
    • Rule 21: The more sophisticated the technology the more vulnerable it is to primitive attacks. People often overlook the obvious.
    • Rule 22: If you’re happy with your security, so are the bad guys.
    • Rule 23: “Bad guys attack, and good guys react” is not a viable security strategy.
    • Rule 24: An adversary is most vulnerable to detection and disruption just prior to an attack.
    • Rule 25: Low-tech attacks work (even against high-tech devices and systems).
    • Rule 26: Never mess with a man’s coffee.
    • Rule 27: Don’t spend time trying to move your opponent, just move yourself.
    • Rule 28: The quality of your friends always matters more than the quantity.
    • Rule 29: Always provide correction in private and praise in public.
    • Rule 30: Opening the door for a lady is not optional.
    • Rule 31: You can do big things with a small team.
    • Rule 32: Don’t go into debt.
    • Rule 33: Do not publish your life online, keep your life private.
    • Rule 34: The GORUCK Rule - Under promise and over deliver.
    • Rule 35: Progress comes to those who train and train; reliance on secret techniques will get you nowhere. (Morihei Ueshiba)
    • Rule 36: You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain. (Miyamoto Musashi)
    • Rule 37: To know ten thousand things, know one well. (Musashi)
    • Rule 38: You are what you do when it counts.
    • Rule 39: If you think it was too easy, it was a trap. Look for jumping guards coming from the sides.
    • Rule 40: The bad guys don’t obey our security policies.
    • Rule 41: If there’s a question about if it’s necessary, remove it. Less is more and more is lazy. (Jason McCarthy, GORUCK founder)
    • Rule 42: Once is an accident. Twice is coincidence. Three times is an enemy action.
    • Rule 43: Never do the same thing twice.
    • Rule 44: Always take care of your team first, then your gear and finally yourself.
    • Rule 45: Check the crowd: who is staring at you, who is all the sudden silent when you enter.
    • Rule 46: Always sit with your back to the wall, even when there are mirrors you can use.
    • Rule 47: Never take the elevator.
    • Rule 48: The solution is in the problem.
    • Rule 49: Fail to Red Team and everything will go according to plan—right up to the point it doesn't. (Red Team Journal)
    • Rule 50: If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
    • Rule 51: Don’t play by the rules.
    • Rule 52: Don’t become predictable.
    • Rule 53: Our fucks are our fucks alone to give. (Patrick Rhone)
    • Rule 54: Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
    • Rule 55: Act, don’t react.
    • Rule 56: Shitty situations inspire brilliant solutions.
    • Rule 57: Establish baselines. Look for anomalies. Have a plan.
    • Rule 58: If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.
    • Rule 59: Expectations = Disappointment. Don't expect anything.
    • Rule 60: You don’t have to like it, you just have to do it.
    • Rule 61: Understand. Anticipate. Adapt. (Red Team Journal)
    • Rule 62: Real attackers will make you patch your people.
    • Rule 63: First you check, then you double-check. Finally you commit.
    • Rule 64: He who angers you conquers you.
    • Rule 65: Find a way to succeed.
    • Rule 66: Clap only when you are impressed.
    • Rule 67: Once is an accident, twice is... Huh… No, I don't believe in coincidences. Twice is enemy action. (overwrites Rule 42).
    • Rule 68: Add things until it starts sucking, take things away until it stops getting better. (Frank Chimero)
    • Rule 69: GLBYS: Gary, look before you sit.
    • Rule 70: If you can't be smart, you better be strong.
    • Rule 71: Be hard to break.
    • Rule 72: Every time you train, train with the motivation and purpose that you will be the hardest person someone ever tries to kill. (Tim Kennedy)
    • Rule 73: Tremendous detailed planning, violent execution.

    X01. Intencionality

    Nothing is great until a life is changed. You are a great leader because you reproduce leaders, not because you have followers. 

    Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better.

    1. What are you doing to develop yourself? You cannot give what you don't have.
    2. What are you doing to develop others? Compounding the effect.

    Growth is not automatic or accidental, it is on purpose. Intentionality. You really need to improve. 

    Growth gaps:

    1. The Assumption Gap—“I Assume That I Will Automatically Grow”
    2. The Knowledge Gap—“I Don’t Know How to Grow”
    3. The Timing Gap—“It’s Not the Right Time to Begin”
      • Law of Diminishing Intent. The longer you wait to do something, the greater the odds that you will never do it.
    4. The Mistake Gap—“I’m Afraid of Making Mistakes”
    5. The Perfection Gap—“I Have to Find the Best Way Before I Start”
    6. The Inspiration Gap—“I Don’t Feel Like Doing It.” Forget motivation. Just do it.
    7. The Comparison Gap—“Others Are Better Than I Am”
    8. The Expectation Gap—“I Thought It Would Be Easier Than This”
      • Preparation (growth) + Attitude + Opportunity + Action = Luck

    Getting started is the key to life. Personal growth keeps me prepared. 

    You don't stop or don't start because of what you don't have. Everything begins with challenge. It is always going to be difficult. 

    1. Ask the big question. How far can I go?
    2. Do it now.
    3. Face the fear factor.
      • Fear of Failure
      • Fear of Trading Security for the Unknown
      • Fear of Being Overextended Financially
      • Fear of What Others Will Say or Think
      • Fear that Success Will Alienate Peers
    4. Change from Accidental to Intentional Growth.

    Intentional Growth Plan:

    1. Make a commitment to intentionally grow.
    2. Make that commitment public. A private commitment is worthless. A shared commitment becomes a strong commitment.
    3. Identify the areas you want to grow personally in. At least two and no more than five.
    4. Invest one hour a day in these two areas. Preparation, practice, reflection.
    5. Take one hour a week to reflect and write what you learn.
    6. Share your growth with those who are thrilled with your progress.
    If you become intentional in your growth, you'll outgrow everybody you know.

    MB03. Code language


    • Identify code words and phrases.
    • Identify what people are saying about you and determine if there is a but.
    • Gain insight into different kinds of buts.

    Code words and phrases are things we often hear from others that sound great. However, there’s often a “… but” that follows on or never gets said

    But don’t become paranoid about everything that’s said to you, or look behind every compliment to see a negative. Instead, it’s about being attuned to reading what’s said and what’s not said so that you get a realistic picture of where you stand.

    1. Cultivate relationships.
    2. Be fearless and ask questions.
    3. Create a feedback loop.
    Case study.


    • Changing Expectations over time.
    • Trouble Communicating.
    • Not a “Natural Salesman”.
    • The Question of Confidence.
    • Checking In.

    Solutions with coaching: 

    • Clarity. What is expected, what to work on, what the shortcomings are.
    • Self-Awareness. Play to your strengths.
    • Presence and Confidence. Demonstrate strengths and autonomy.
    • Client development. Authentic relationships.
    • Internal Branding. Brand and reputation.
    • Delegation. Knowledge of the team.
    • Limiting Mindsets. Look at what is holding you back.
    • Authentic Approach. Not to emulate.


    Lorena Jiménez.

    Los Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs o tracks) son fondos de inversión que cotizan en bolsa y replican algún instrumento financiero, como índices, sectores, rankings, activos, bonos, etc.

    El Sistema Internacional de Cotizaciones (SIC), es una plataforma que permite invertir en acciones y Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) cuyos valores fueron listados en otras partes del mundo:

    • Diversificación internacional sin apertura de contratos en el extranjero.
    • Derechos corporativos y patrimoniales locales.
    • Algunos con pago de dividendos.
    • Esquema fiscal local.
    • Operación en pesos.
    • Volúmenes de operación.
    • Liquidez, ya sea por el mercado local u operando contra la bolsa de origen.
    • Reporte de la emisora ETF a la BMV.
    • Sistema desde 2003.
    • Abierto al público desde 2014.

    ETFs inversos a los índices bursátiles. Ganar a la baja. Apalancados.

    • Diablo. -2x
    Smart. Inversiones pasivas.
    • A largo plazo el activo de referencia.

    martes, 24 de octubre de 2023

    MB02. Brand vs Reputation


    • Identify how you want to convey your brand.
    • Interpret how others view your brand.
    • Examine the aspects to work on to close the gap between brand and reputation.

    Branding. Bring to the forefront the best version of yourself.

    • The brand I want to convey. 

    Reputation. How you are coming across to others.

    • Based on interviews, how others perceive me.

    Close the gap:

    • Start by identifying the Gap
    • Decide which parts of the Gap you want to work on
    • The aspects I want to work on and the people whose perceptions I want to change.

    MB01. Defining your success


    What is success?

    • Success is peace of mind. —John Wooden.
    • Success is liking yourself and like what you do. —Maya Angelou.
    • Success is when good things are said about you in your funeral. —Stephen Covey.
    • Success is when your grown children want to be with you. —Paul Orfalea.

    Blocks to Defining Success.

    • I don't know what I want. Start with what you don't want. 
    • I'm not good at anything useful. Look what you have accomplished. Change your context.
    • I have invested so many resources in this path. Those are sunk costs. Change.
    • My parents will be upset. Live your own life.

    You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. —Jim Rohn.

    lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

    L26. Núcleo

    El corazón de un negocio: valor de transformación. No el producto, sino la transformación. 


    • Autenticidad
    • Vulnerabilidad

    Construir la marca de un producto tarda diez veces más que la marca personal. 

    Valor de transformación: Oferta irresistible: Modelo de negocio: Modelo de monetización.

    • Estructura de costos.
    • Estrategia de entrega de valor.
    • 50% de margen de rentabilidad.
    Mercado. Industria. Nicho. (MIN) para encontrar tu valor de transformación.
    • Enseño a las personas a potenciar tu negocio digital.
      • Industria: educación. Enseño.
      • Mercado: empresarios. Tu negocio.
      • Nicho: por internet. Digital.

    Red Team Rules

    It’s about thinking like a bad guy

    • Rule 1: Always have an escape plan
    • Rule 2: Never get caught.
    • Rule 3: Be aware of your surroundings.
    • Rule 4: Always have a backup plan.
    • Rule 5: Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
    • Rule 6: Trust your gut.
    • Rule 7: Simple and light equals freedom, agility and mobility.
    • Rule 8: KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.
    • Rule 9: The solution is in the problem.
    • Rule 10: Don't become predictable.
    • Rule 11: Never take the elevator.
    • Rule 12: Act, don’t react.

    miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

    Libertad financiera

    Los 5 elementos de un buen negocio privado:

    1. Mercado
    2. Oportunidad. Timing
    3. Dueño. Empresario
    4. Valor agregado
    5. Impacto social

    Las 5 C's para disminuir el riesgo financiero:

    1. Conducta financiera.
    2. Capacidad de pago pasada y futura.
    3. Condiciones macroeconómicas
    4. Capital. Cash flow.
    5. Colateral.

    Las 5 características de una oportunidad viable:

    1. Modelo de negocios exitoso: mínimo de 5 años con una TIR de al menos 50%.
    2. Rendimientos extraordinarios. 7 - 15%.
    3. Garantía o colateral 1:1.
    4. Prioridad de pago a invesionistas. Deuda senior.
    5. Interés compuesto. Reinversión + Inyección de capital.
    Si no encuentras una oportunidad, constrúyela.
    Siempre con una mentalidad ganar, ganar.
    Siempre aportando un valor adicional.

    martes, 17 de octubre de 2023

    William Ackman: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing in Under an Hour

    The lemonade stand example:

    • How business works
    • How business generates profits
    • How to raise capital to start a company
    • How to monetize your business investment

    Balance sheet:

    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Net worth of the company

    Income statement:

    Growing the business:

    A good money manager:

    1. Can easily explain investment strategy
    2. Has a good reputation
    3. Has value approach
    4. Has a successful track record, 5-10 years
    5. Has a consistent approach
    6. Invests own money in the fund

    The 7 Greatest Books for Investing


    1. The Little Book that Beats the Market. Joel Greenblat. Gotham Funds. 112 pp.
    2. One up on Wall Street. Peter Lynch. 1989. Fidelity Investments. 334 pp.
    3. The University of Berkshire Hathaway. 2017. Daniel Pecaut. 338 pp.
    4. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits. Philip Fisher. 1958. 200 pp.
    5. The Intelligent Investor. Ch. 8 & 20. 1949. Benjamin Graham. 640 pp.
    6. The Essays of Warren Buffett. 1997. Lawrence Cunningham. 328.
    7. Security Analysis. 1940. Benjamin Graham. 841 pp.

    7 Cualidades para ser un mesero altamente efectivo

    Conoce tu menú al 100%. La carta, la forma de preparación, las guarniciones que acompañan, los tiempos de preparación de los platos, cubiertos a utilizar, el convoy y el servicio. Un buen vendedor conoce su producto. Examen de conocimiento del menú una vez al mes. Conoce el objetivo de venta, de consumo promedio.

    Sigue el protocolo de servicio. Atención al cliente como los propietarios lo desean. Generar rapport. Desde la recepción hasta el retiro del cliente. Primero el protocolo, luego el número y el perfil del vendedor/mesero. A mayor grado de atención, menor número de mesas que atender. Estimar la cantidad de mesas que deben integrar cada estación, y el número de estaciones que debe apoyar un garrotero. 


    • Saludo
    • Presentación
    • Ofrecimiento de bebidas
    • Toma de orden de bebidas
    • Comandeo
    • Servir las bebidas
    • Introducción del convoy
    • Colocación de manteletas y cubiertos
    • Sugerencia de especialidades
    • Tomar la orden
    • Llevar comanda
    • Recoger y servir los tiempos
    • Retiro de loza y cristalería desocupada
    • Vigilar la continuidad del servicio
    • Al pendiente de otras mesas de su estación
    • Preparar la cuenta
    • Entregar la cuenta
    • Despedida
    • Garrotera limpia la mesa y coloca el montaje
    • Garrotero surte su estación
    • Garrotero apoya al mesero. Garrotero, grasa. Mesero, bebidas.

    El cliente es primero

    1. Atención inmediata y completa. 
    2. Comprensión de lo que el cliente quiere. 
    3. Trato cortés. 
    4. Receptividad a preguntas y prontitud en la respuesta. 
    5. Eficiencia en el servicio. 
    6. Explicación de procedimientos y productos. 
    7. Expresión de placer al servir al cliente. 
    8. Agradecimiento por la visita. 
    9. Atención y solución de reclamos. 
    10. Aceptar la responsabilidad de los errores cometidos.

    Los pecados capitales del servicio.

    1. Apatía
    2. Sacudirse al cliente
    3. Frialdad. Indiferencia
    4. Actuar en forma robotizada
    5. Intransigencia. Rigidez
    6. Enviar al cliente de un lado a otro
    Brinda un servicio destacado.
    1. Inaceptable. Es su problema
    2. Básico. ¿Qué va a pedir?
    3. Esperado. Vuelva pronto. Amabilidad y buen trato
    4. Destacado. Supera las expectativas

    Prepara correctamente tu estación de servicio

    • Distribución de estaciones de trabajo.
    • El stand de servicio. Bien surtido, consumibles, artículos.
    • La zona de servicio. Calza tus mesas, revisa sus condiciones.

    Autodisciplina y cuidado.

    • Puntualidad
    • Higiene
    • Presentación personal
    • Respeto a superiores y compañeros
    • Cumple las normas de la empresa
    • Promueve la venta
    • Atención
    • Honradez con la empresa y los clientes

    Desarrolla tu plan de carrera

    • Profesionalízate
    • Capacítate constantemente
    • Busca los lugares que te brinden las oportunidades
    • Desarrolla tus habilidades diariamente

    lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023

    L25. Creación

    La abundancia no se genera desde la obscuridad.


    • Zona prolífica
    • Escalable
    • Automatizable
    • Delegable

    Branding. La marca personal debe valer más que la marca comercial. La gente confía más en las personas que en las empresas, las marcas y los productos. 

    Cuatro cosas que venden:

    1. Dinero. Ganar más dinero. ¿Qué le de más abundancia más rápido a las personas?
    2. Salud. Recuperar la salud. 
    3. Felicidad. Quitar problemas emocionales.
    4. Status. Aspiracional.

    • ¿Cuál es el nicho en el que me quiero distinguir?
    • ¿Quiénes son mi competencia?
    • ¿Cuál es el siguiente producto o servicio que debo crear para explotar mi negocio?
    Compramos lo que compramos porque queremos mejores versiones de nosotros mismos.

    martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

    Jorge Castañares: recaudación de capital


    • Pedro Aspe Armella. Inteligencia racional en el mundo práctico.
    • Gerardo Jean Petit Jean. Honestidad radical, transparencia radical.
    • Ramón Riva Marañón. Pasión por hacer las cosas.

    5 elementos de la recaudación de capital:

    1. Negocio a largo plazo, patrimonial de generación de riqueza.
    2. Encontrar siempre una salida.
    3. Es un negocio de alto riesgo.
    4. Es un negocio familiar.
    5. Estructura hacia atrás con un gobierno corporativo.

    lunes, 9 de octubre de 2023

    L24. La Regla del Tres


    1. Ventas. Punto uno del empresario. Eventos de conversión.
    2. Formación de líderes para tu empresa.
    3. Crear relaciones de valor. Proximidad.


    • Optimización
    • Maximización
    • Multiplicación
    • Automatización

    Double-double. Cómo puedes tener el doble de tiempo y el doble de ventas. En la mitad de tiempo que te vean el doble de personas.

    You learn fast when you have the pressure of hunger. Brian Tracy.

    viernes, 6 de octubre de 2023

    La Verdad Acerca de Vender en Amazon

    Santiago Téllez-Girón Gual. AlgoMasOnline. Webinar.

    • Modelo de negocio. Destacarte.
    • Mentores. Rodearte de expertos.
    • Herramientas.
    • Invertir.

    Ganar el BuyBox

    • Producto nuevo
    • Vende FBA
    • Iguala el precio de tu competencia


    • Calculadora de Amazon
    • Profit Hunter

    Jobs by Wozniak

    Interview back with Patrick Bet-David. 2010.

    A good leader has to spot the talented resources, the best people to do the different jobs and set the right direction to go. 

    Jobs was a good mix, a salesman with a good understanding of technology.

    You have to believe you have greatness inside you, not just pretending.

    You don't know if you can do it, and you are afraid to fail, but you have to be confident and to appear confident, and you have to take calculated risks. 

    Entrepreneurship is a combination of the business and technical doers, pushed by an incredible drive.

    Advise: To recognize accomplishments of your work team.

    jueves, 5 de octubre de 2023


    कांथर हुनु भन्दा मर्नु राम्रो

    Kāphar hunnu bhandā marnu rāmrō

    Better Dead than a Live Coward

    miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

    P03. Riqueza desde tu propósito de vida


    • Desarrollo personal + Abundancia económica

    Trabaja tu identidad. Tu propósito de vida.

    Fórmula para generar resultados:

    • Estado + Historia + Estrategia
    • ¿Cuál es la persona que debo empezar a ser ahora para tener resultados distintos?

    Relación con el dinero. Frugalidad, conciencia, control.

    Identidad + dinero.

    Encuentra el valor que la gente necesita. Propuesta de valor. 

    Cómo sí, cuál es el siguiente paso.

    lunes, 2 de octubre de 2023

    L23. Conectar

    Fernando Anzures.

    Tres elementos para generar conversaciones de valor:

    1. Funcional. Respuestas.
    2. Social. Storytelling.
    3. Emocional. Despierta emociones. 

    Para que te escuchen:

    • ¿Tú que ofreces?
    • ¿Qué valor aportas?

    1. Agregar valor
    2. Saber preguntar
    3. Saber escuchar
    La química del WOM. Capital social. Es lo que dicen de ti cuando te levantas de la mesa. A quién conoces y quién te conoce.

    El método:

    • Quién eres
    • A dónde vas
      • Cuál es el objetivo de llegar ahí
      • En cuánto tiempo puedes llegar ahí
    • A quién conoces
    • A quién quieres conocer
      • Que mejoren mi percepción
      • Que me lleven a más personas
      • Que me lleven a más negocios
      • Que potencien mi estado
    • Cómo estás co-creando
    • Arma tu legión ICR (Influencers, Conectores, Replicadores)
      • I. Te hacen llegar a más personas
      • C. Te abren las puertas
      • R. Te hacen eco.