
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024

13 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter

Brain Dose.

  1. Question, don't just assume. Curiosity. 
  2. Read something you normally wouldn't. Challenge some of your ideas.
  3. Expose yourself to different point of views. 
  4. Make a point to learn something new each day. New things, brain active.
  5. Apply new knowledge. Practice.
  6. Think of new to do old things. Funny new ways.
  7. Play games that make you think.
  8. Increase mental intensity. Focus for some minutes daily in something new.
  9. Take up a productive hobby. 
  10. Hang up with people smarter than you. Proximity.
  11. Get some physical excercise. Blood flow to brain. Elasticity of vasculars.
  12. Meditate. Reflect on your day. Learn from mistakes.
  13. Sleep well. BDNF. Focus, concentration, comprehension.