sábado, 16 de marzo de 2024

15 Habits That Make You SMARTER Every Day

  1. Ask questions. Be curious.
  2. Read across genres. Mantain a reading routine.
  3. Hang out with smart people. 
  4. Take time to think. Reflect about what you learn.
  5. Exercise frequently. 
  6. Prioritize eating healthy. Just enough to be satisfied.
  7. Keeping a diary. Personal experiencies and your own achievements.
  8. Do something new, even if you think it won't work. Practice.
  9. Apply and share new knowledge.
  10. Be selective of what you put your effort in.
  11. Take short breaks at work. Meditate, exercise, rest.
  12. Be organized. Declutter.
  13. Study other people's behviour patterns.
  14. Be actively observant. Pay attention. Examine your surroundings.
  15. Sleep whenever you need to.
  16. Play games that task the mind.