domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024

14 Commandments for leaders

By Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf according to Dannish S.

  1. Perception is reality. You need to think of yourself as a leader, before even being one.
  2. Character. In times of crisis, people don't pick competence but character to follow.
  3. Leaders aren't pleasers. They rather be respected than loved.
  4. The true rewards of leadership come from leadership itself – not the next promotion or tangible rewards. 
  5. No organisation will get better until leadership admits that something is broken.
  6. Leaders must facilitate a climate that allows people to speak up.
  7. Leaders establish goals for an organisation.
  8. Leaders set high standards. They don’t accept low standards. 
  9. Leaders communicate with clarity.
  10. Leaders recognise and reward success – it is infectious. Failure is contagious but success is infectious.
  11. Leaders provide the latitude to learn.
  12. Leaders delegate and trust. They don't tell people how to do their job.
  13. When placed in command, leaders take charge. Even if the decision is bad, you have set change in motion. It is better than being stagnant.
  14. Leaders do what is right. It is a sign of character.