domingo, 24 de marzo de 2024

15 Things Poor People Do That Rich People Don't

  1. TV consumption. Reality shows and celebrity gossip. Programs devoid of educational value.
  2. Poor eating habits. Low nutritional value food.
  3. Waking up late. Misproductivity.
  4. Often buy clothes.
  5. Sports obsession.
  6. Blaming external factors. Prevents improving and growth.
  7. Poor personal hygiene. Obstacle to a proper networking.
  8. Lack of savings. Prevents seize opportunities.
  9. Misuse of credit. Consumption instead of investment.
  10. Poor family planning. Early parenting.
  11. Neglecting health. Preventing check ups.
  12. Spending before earning. Economic vulnerability.
  13. Social circle influence. Reinforce bad habits and lack of new ideas.
  14. Lack of persistence. Limits achievements.
  15. Dependency on others. Prevents the development of autonomy.