15 Things To Do Before 11AM To Win the Day
- Start your day before your day has to start. Wake up early.
- Move like a robot in your first hour. No decisions. Move in autopilot.
- Get a workout in. Blood flow. Sharp mind.
- Hide your distractions away. Protect your focus.
- Read or listen to something inspiring.
- Do a brain dump.
- Practise a Skill That Fakes Positivity. Like gratitude.
- Take 5 minutes to map out your day.
- On a personal level, start small. Make your bed.
- On a work level, go BIG. Eat that frog.
- Compare your to-do-list to your long-term goals. Keep on track.
- Your first meal should be your best. Food is fuel.
- Set aside time to respond to messages and emails. Control of your time.
- Give your creative juices a chance to flow. Time to dream.
- Grab coffee with a good friend or colleague.
- Do something that scares you. Shake things a bit.