Books by some winners of The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel from 2010 to 2023:
2023 | Claudia Goldin | Career and Family (2021) The Race between Education and Technology (2008) |
2022 | Ben Bernanke | Essays on the Great Depression (2000) The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis (2013) The Courage to Act: A Memoir of a Crisis (2015) Firefighting: The Financial Crisis (2019) First Responders: Inside the Financial Crisis (2020) 21st Century Monetary Policy (2022) |
2021 | David Card | Myth and Measurement (1995) |
2021 | Joshua Angrist | Mastering Metrics: from Cause to Effect (2014) Mostly Harmless Econometrics (2008) |
2021 | Guido Imbens | Causal Inference (2015) |
2020 | Paul Milgrom | Putting auction theory to work (2004) Discovering Prices Complex Constraints (2017) |
2019 | Abhijit Banerjee | Volatility and Growth (2005) Understanding poverty (2006) What the Economy Needs Now (2019) |
2019 | Esther Duflo | Poor Economics (2011) Good Economics for Hard Times (2019) |
2018 | William Nordhaus | The Spirit of Green (2021) The Climate Casino (2013) Economics (2009) A Question of Balance On Global Warming (2008) The Swedish Nuclear Dilemma (1997) |
2017 | Richard Thaler | Nudge Final Edition (2021) Misbehaving: Behavioral Economics (2015) The Winner’s Curse (1991) |
2016 | Bengt Holmström | Nordics in Global Crisis (2010) Inside and Outside Liquidity (2011) |
2015 | Angus Deaton | The Great Escape (2013) Deaths of Despair Future of Capitalism (2020) Economics in The Land of Inequality (2023) |
2014 | Jean Tirole | Balancing the Banks: Lessons from Crisis (2010) Financial Crises and Monetary System (2014) Economics for the common good (2019) Major Future Economic Challenges (2021) |
2013 | Eugene Fama | The Fama Portfolio: Selected Papers (2017) The theory of finance (1972) |
2013 | Lars Peter Hansen | Uncertainty within Economic Models (2014) Robustness (2008) |
2013 | Robert Shiller | The new financial order in the 21 century (2003) The Subprime Solution (2008) Irrational Exuberance (2000) Too Big to Save Fix the Financial System (2009) Animal Spirits (2010) Finance and the Good Society (2013) Phishing for Phools (2015) Narrative Economics (2019) |
2012 | Alvin Roth
| Bridge Is a Partnership Game (1989) The Handbook of Market Design (2013) Who Gets What - And Why (2015) |
2011 | Thomas Sargent | Dynamic macroeconomic theory (1987) The Big Problem of Small Change (2002) Recursive Macroeconomic Theory (2004) Rational Expectations and Inflation (2013) Macroeconomics and Public Policy (2013) The Conquest of American Inflation (2018) Economic Networks Computation (2022) |
2010 | Chris Pissarides | Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (2000) Women at Work A Perspective (2005) |
2010 | Peter Diamond | Behavioral economics Its applications (2007) Taxation, markets, and social security (2003) |
2010 | Dale Mortensen | Wage Dispersion: Why Paid Differently (2003) |