Earl Nightingale
- The power of daily improvement. Compounding.
- What it means to work on yourself. Prioritize. One step a time. Consistency.
- Overcoming obstacles. Mindset. Seeds. Failure is a lesson.
- Building positive habits.
- The importance of learning. Daily. Engage. Ask. Information into wisdom.
- Physical and mental health. Meditate. Move. Eat healthy. Sleep.
- Gratitude and self-appreciation. Acknowledge. Celebrate growth.
- Relationships. Surround with the right people. Be intentional. Be mindful.
- Finding your purpose. Sense of purpose. Fuel. Guide.
- Facing fear and stepping out of comfort zones. Growth is in the boundary.
- The power of visualization. Imagine. Recreate in your mind.
- Take action and reflecting on progress. Apply. Act. Assess. Improve.