Thales Teixeira. EO
Intro. Professor at Harvard Business School. Start Ups adviser. Common approach to disruption among different industries.
Decoupling Customer Value Chain. Customer value chain (CVC): A series of activities that customers are required to do in order to acquire, use and dispose of goods or services.
To disrupt successfully:
- Map the value chain.
- Find the weak link: activities the client is unsatisfied with: Activities the firms do very badly.
- Look for an opportunity to steal that activity from stablished players.
- Provide solutions to consumers.
That is decoupling: The process by which startups disrupt industries by breaking apart the traditional CVC.
3 Types of Decoupling. Example: Videogame industry.
- Value creating activity. Twitch: watching good players play a video game.
- Value eroding activity. Shocking or boring activity. Steam: choose your videogame online instead to rent it physically.
- Value capturing activities. Fortnite: Extras to buy. Premium and buying virtual assets.
Coupling: Adding additional activities in the CVC after you did the decoupling process as a startup. Uber: Uber eats, Uber packing.
5 Steps to Steal Customers.
- Mapping out CVC. Separate activities.
- Classify the activities in types of decoupling.
- Identify the weak link. Normally, among the eroding.
- Steal that activity. Offer a better solution.
- Understand reactions, preempt response by incumbents.
Examples: Pill Pack, Insure Tech.
Opportunities for decoupling:
- Expensive activities.
- Time-consuming activities.
- Effortful activities.
Decoupling in AI Field. Use AI to help customers reduce money, time or effort in certain activities.